People need to start lawyering up for class actions and start an independent investigation into Nvidia’s practices, everything from marketing, AIB policies to R&D. The potential for price fixing(or failure to bring it under control), artificially creating a supply-demand issue by paper launching a product while prioritizing other sectors(greed), knowingly supplying under spec’ed parts as full spec’ed parts, duplicit terms, ambiguous/fake advertisements, incompetence, pushing the 12VHPWR spec knowing it isn’t up to par while potentially causing bodily harm and safety endangerment, the list goes on and on.
When companies become a monopoly everything else follows. We’ve seen it with Intel before and now Nvidia going down the same path knowing AMD won’t compete in the upper echelons for some time to come. They think they could get away with it. Consumers need to stand up to these malpractices and bring them to heel no matter their importance or size.
I'm no lawyer, but I happen to know some things.... So I guess take this as a "trust me bro" Lol.
I think it would be very hard to launch a class action. I think what you would be more looking at is for the appropriate watchdog to launch their own investigation into NVidia. Price fixing happens when companies phone eachother up and agree to set prices high so they both benefit. I could see NVidia doing something like this. But I dont think this is something AMD would do. One company alone doesn't "price fix".... its a scheme amongst all competitors to stuff eachothers pockets at the expense of competition.
I dont know if NVidia is artificially creating a supply-demand issue. It could just be that their isn't enough silicone to keep scalpers at bay because most its going to enterprise. I dont think that's illegal. I think it makes business sense as most of NVidias revenue will come from business deals/contracts, and not some kid trying to push 240FPS on video games. Ya, it's greed. I get it, but I don't think it's illegal. If there's only so much silicone, then it is what it is. Even if they are intentionally keeping supply low, that wouldn't benefit them. That would only benefit the scalpers, and maybe the board partners. NVidias price is their price and I dont think they are selling their own cards through their own portals above MSRP so I dont know if you would have a case there.
The whole ROPs thing.... I don't think that was intentional, as they wouldn't do that knowing full well it would get noticed right away. It was probably a production glitch somewhere. Even if it was intentional, while highly unlikely, it would be impossible to prove. NVidia has already said they will RMA all cards, so they are already making it right. So I dont think you would have a case
Fake adverts: If you're refering to the "4090 performance for $500" thing. Ya, they stated on that slide at the keynote that it was done with MFG/DLSS. They aren't lying about it. Ya, the whole fake frames thing. I get it. They are stretching the truth, but they aren't lying as they did put the disclaimer, so I don't think you would have a case there.
I think the real class action needs to be over the power connector. That class action is long overdue. I personally will not buy anything above a 4080S. People for years were bootlicking GN in agreement with their "user error" garbage. I have been telling every person under the sun for the last 3 years that this never has been and never will be user error. I got laughed out of more forums than I can count. "jUsT pLuG iT iN pRoPeRlY nExT tImE". Thank gawd, with all the coverage on it now, people are finally starting to get it now. I'm starting to feel vindicated. Watch der8auer's video, and the sequel (buildzoids video) .... covered this very well. This has always and will always be an NVidia problem. Users never did forget how to plug in a plug into a socket when the 8-pin was replaced. That was all a hoax. Building and using a PC should always be a safe & anxiety-free experience, no matter which components you get. Unfortunately, it's not the case. The 12VHPWR connector is a fire-hazard. It is unsafe, and should not be allowed to be sold to consumers. It always has been a firehazard day 1, and no amount of blame deflection will change that fact. I will not buy anything above a 4080S until it's fixed. I am not risking my house over a GPU. No one should even hafta think about that at all when building a PC. It is absolutely absurd, and the consumers have a very strong case against NVidia on this.