The great thing about America, and her influence across the globe, is the ability of an entrepreneur to develop a market, or cut-out their own special niche within an existing market. YaY!
Which brings to mind the saying (often falsely attributed to the infamous showman PT Barnum): "
There's a sucker born every minute."
I'm not saying this will not work for some folks in a special way. What I'm saying is that it has a perverse type of validation, a kind of
Forer Effect, built upon a pyramid designed for the consumer (I'm thinking, 'parents') to land arse-first on the pinnacle (directly on their wallet

So ... the Shield portable is Tegra4, "4K Ultra-HD ready" with Mini-HDMI output, except that it's limited to 780p, and the micro USB to RJ45 is 10/100. Well, okay. We'll build a much better, faster bunny rabbit. (Ya'll see where I'm going with this?)
Moving on ... the Shield Media Console is Tegra X1, "4K Ultra-HD ready" with HDMI 2, except that it presumably requires a Chromecast dongle ($35 ?) or similar device coming with monthly subscription service(s) costing $XYZ, except when it costs 2X $XYZ monthly for premium hi-rez content streaming, AND, (we're finally getting to the crux of this rambling) ...
With the primary purpose of the nVidia 4K "media console" being of course, 'Android' gaming, you have your monthly regular GRID subscription for $ABC (which gets you 720p/30fps if you have 15Mbps down or "minimum 5 Mbps") or in reality, the 'premium' monthly service costing 2X $ABC for streaming at 1080p/60fps (recommended 50Mbps - 15Mbps minimum), each with the promise of "discussions with developers around taking top games to Android" ...
With an easy-peasy monthly billing deducted directly from your parents credit card or checking account for perpetuity, or until you jump through a series of hoops of which PT Barnum would be especially proud.
When you likely own the game(s) already (Crysis3 !!!), could play them at no cost with as much eye candy and resolution you can stand (and afford) ...
Did I miss something?