[citation][nom]bf2gameplaya[/nom]As a gamer I am happy with Havok, it doesn't make my games run any worse and I have come to expect rag-doll physics. Some of the most unexpectedly fun game experiences have been with Havok'ed corpses..Far Cry, Oblivion.PhysX has had no meaningful game insertion yet, let alone hundreds of Havok titles. Also the technology may be fundamentally flawed for on-line play: Try transmitting all that gamestate data over your internet connection.Until we have magic internet, PhysX will be limited to single play or small 2 man matches on a LAN.Good luck PhysX, you have your work cut out for you if you wish to overtake Havok.[/citation]
This is the only intelligent response in this thread. If you think AMD is going to give over control and reputation (AND PERFORMANCE!!) by supporting this nvidiot scam, then that's why you are not running AMD.
Correction - one other poster suggested this developer night get his ass sued. Perhaps it could blow up in nvidiots face, like most everything else lately.
AMD will not trust it's performance to be managed by nvidiot - wake up call - cos that's what this is - it's a cheap scam. Small wonder no response. This dvloper might have access - but NOT the inside track to all the secrets.
There have been complaints of typos and ambiguity in thg articles lately; but THIS article is deliberately misleading, inflammatory, indicative of bias, misinterpreted even in these comments, and insulting to us all - ESPECIALLY THE TITLE.
Better quality reporting can be found in the Mational Enquirerrr.
Clean up yer act thg or simply get honest about who u pimp for. Kikk me if you want - this is crap BS and you know it. I think yer in nvidiots pocket - or bed!