Intel is a giant...its GPU is not that bad, and Haswell might be better than Kaveri APU...Intel's GPU has improved so much that I don't even know what my next Laptop will be. I'm running an AMD and wanted an AMD, but not sure now. Think I'll just wait and see what Haswell can do. Was thinking Kaveri or even the Kabini! But Haswell seems over 9000!!! =/
Every company has their own unique plan. Intel wants to rule with x86 and their own GPU's, 2013-2014 will say how this goes. AMD wants to integrate everything, 2013 and 2014. Nvidia wants to make a 64bit ARM type APU, 2014 and 2015. But then again, EVERY single ARM technology user is doing that SAME thing! The most unique is AMD mixing it all. But if Intel can pull off the GPU nicely, they can just emulate ARM...since their CPU's are incredible.
I will wait to see what Haswell can do.