rwinches :
There are 3 million plus x-mining cards that will eventually come back on the market and many are top tier, when they do nVidia and AMD will not profit nor will they sell as many of their newest release to gamers. Some used sales will go to other miners looking to upgrade the rest to gamers. If gamers can't afford the latest tech they can at least upgrade to a higher tier used card right? If crypto continues those upgrade replacement sales will be mostly to miners. These GPU makers should have whipped up miner class cards early on if they do it now and they are cheaper/more efficient then a huge amount of cards will dump and new card sales for gaming will tank. There are millions of gamers that would be very happy to buy a RX 4/5 70/80 or GTX 10 70/80 for a good price. someone who works with 3D CG I have no interest in purchasing a card that has been run at "torture mode" for months and months. I've read where these rigs are not always in the best operating environments which puts more stress on the components, particularly the cooling system. The last thing I need in the middle of a large heavy duty render job is for the fans to crap out and the card cook itself to death.
There's a reason dedicated mining cards have a shorter warranty, it's not just concern over a bubble bursting.