Well, that's great. I don't mind all the chaos, it was already pretty crazy with most of the 9 series not performing better then the 8800gtx, no surprise really, only the 9800GX2 could compare to it in raw performance(Though it is a dual GPU). I bought a 9800GTX and thought i had a winner over the 8800GTX. I was wrong.. Do i hate nvidia, of course not, the card still performs well, and in some games does do better then the 8800GTX. So get over it mr. roboto and rocky1234, if you were so hardcore you wouldn't have said.. what you said, so your obviously not a fan just a USER. And that's what i call USER ERROR. Get your shit straight.[citation][nom]lamorpa[/nom]You should make the grammar consistant in the first paragraph:Some of the current name convention use in Nvidia card tend to confuse some consumer. Nvidia has release GeForce 8 and 9 series card base on the G92 GPU with name such as GTX, GT, GS, etc. Accord to a TG Daily report, Nvidia will be release a third G9x base series with a new name.[/citation] Was this suppose to be funny? The grammar is fine, you are retarded.