True. But if you call into your ISP about connection issues, the first thing they are going to ask is if you tried a wired connection. I think it is rather unfair to make a negative comment about NVidia's streaming service when it was only tested over WiFi. There are way too many variables to get into about a WiFi connection. I don't mean to say that I know everything, but from what I understand, most competitive gamers, especially in first person shooters, will have their gaming computer hooked up with a wired connection. And that is playing the game on the system locally, not streaming.
TomsHardware is usually really thorough in testing a lot of their things. It just struck me as rather odd to say that it was tested on two different Internet connections, but only through WiFi. I have a gaming laptop myself, Alienware, and I can have it set up 12" away from an AC Router and my ping will always be higher than a wired connection, and the transfer rate will always fluctuate.