no one mentioned AMD in the comment section until this post. why are you so offended people, who are in general unhappy with NVidia are expressing that dissatisfaction by expressing their skepticism of this technology?
are you getting paid by NVidia to defend them? I hope so. Or at the bare min I hope you own some NVidia stock. Else you're doing unpaid work for their marketing department.
We're all used to NVIDIA's MO at this point. Take a problem solved by 3rd party software. turn it into a hardware solution with NEW software solution that doesn't quite work as well or easily as the prior solution but which shows marginal gains on nvidia hardware over the prior solutions. then let their marketing department sell this proprietary solution as if it's a "game changer", as if software solutions didn't already exist. they started this with PhysX, RayTracing, DLSS, Upscaling, all solutions which had 3rd party solutions that worked fine, all which created a "solution" which offered marginal improvement of performance on the nvidia hardware, with a clunky software implementation.
Of course we need to blame AMD for falling into nvidia's pace with this. if amd was thinking straight they would have laughed at ray tracing. a tech while has only noticeably been implemented in modded cyberpunk and Forza 8, and just worked on pumping raster. but amd is the foil who keeps on giving.