Since the very first 4090 melt, very simple reasoning would have told you this is not, and never was "User error" as NVidia and GN tried to claim. I still remember the very first time I laid eyes on those tiny little 12 pins.... and saw "600W"..... and I was like.... ummmm... lol.... this has to be an april fools prank!!! Lol...... this is.... not going to end well. Basic high school electricity can tell anyone this is just not happening lol. But that's okay..... Leaving it to a $2T company with probably thousands of highly experienced electrical engineers to fail a grade 9 electricity test when it actually matters. Give your head a shake *takes another mouthful of popcorn* Lol.
Sigh.... ya know.... if we had just stuck with our regular, well established, well matured, tried, tested, and true.... trusty 8-pin connector that has never let us down, none of this would have ever happened. As the old adage goes, if it aint broke, dont fix it. Lesson learned NVidia, lesson learned