Question NVLDDMKM Stopped Responding/ERR12 Error In Monster Hunter World Please Help


Apr 28, 2020
I've been playing a lot of Monster Hunter: World recently and kept getting crashes with an ERR12 notification. This happens within the first 20 minutes of loading into a file or 2 - 6 hours into the game.
I've heard a lot about the infamous ERR12 warning within the MHW PC community, although all the posts that have talked about it either was never solved or people who kept getting it settled with solutions that only tried to maximize the amount of playtime before it inevitably happens to them.

Following some of those threads, I checked the Event Viewer and found a lot of system notifications relating to a display driver named "NVLDDMKM" that keeps stopping and "successfully recovering". Since my driver has been up-to-date these past few days, I didn't think it was really a driver issue. So I messed with the game settings, lowering some of the more intensive options like specific lighting options, detailed rendering, texture quality, and the resolution (I usually play in 2K). Although it does increase the time before I get a crash, it doesn't permanently get rid of the problem.
I then went to mess with settings not in the game, like the Nvidia Control Panel's 3D settings and changing stuff like the power management and texture filtering options, only to be met with the same crash. That's when I decided to just uninstall my video drivers using DDU and do a fresh install for the video drivers using GeForce Experience using custom installation and ticking the clean installation box.
After the fresh reinstall, I booted MHW again and put back the settings I normally use. Played for an hour or two, then let it idle for a few more hours while I do something else. I come back and it's still running well until 3 hours later when I crash again. Went to check the event viewer and sure enough, it was the same driver that crashed.

I don't have that many games installed in my PC, but another title that I noticed having the same driver crashing on it is Final Fantasy XV. Both MHW and FFXV have mods installed (the Special K mod for FFXV and I have MHW connected to NexusModManager/Vortex), but this has even happened to them even before installing these mods.
I'm not sure if this is just a normal thing, or if it might be my graphics card which I bought used from a bitcoin miner who had it underclocked for 1 year which most likely could be the problem. But please help, I'm tired of being haunted by these ERR12 messages

MSI Duke 1070 Ti
Ryzen 5 1600X
Trident-Z (2x8)16Gb 3200MHz
Prime-B350 PLUS
Boot Drive: 500Gb Western Digital SSD
Games are stored in a 1TB Samsung QVO SSD
Extra 2TB HDD
I'm now starting to believe it's my GPU causing it. Recently tried to launch other titles like Yakuza 0 and they've all crashed.

While it would've sounded pretty obvious that my second hand GPU caused this, I was hoping it wouldn't as I planned to at least keep it for another 3 years and I currently don't have much to buy a new one

I'll post once I do ever get a replacement