Question nvme on p8p67 le

Aug 20, 2023
before you say anything, i have the ssd already
so i have a 1tb kingston ssd that i already have
i tried clover and modding bios with nvmexpressdxe.fss or however its called
it gives me bsod with different errors everytime i boot from the nvme, i reinstalled windows so many times
if you can help me i will appreciate that SOO MUCH
if you give me an .fss file i know how to install it

btw i use an adapter that uses up a slot of gpu, which is the fastest, thats why i chose it.
Some things just will not work, no matter how hard you pray.

So you have this drive...either sell it or keep it for a future system.

Even in the unlikely event you get this working, you'd see zero difference vs a regular SATA III SSD.