NZXT Hue+ Magnetic LED Light Strips Under Motherboard


Dec 4, 2016
So I have these NZXT that have a feature to magnetically cling to metal. The hold is pretty weak, just enough to hold it in place. These will fit underneath my motherboard (MSI Gaming M7), but I wanted to know if this poses any risk with being close proximity to the motherboard (less than a mm) from the top of the LED Strip.



I wouldn't do that if I were you. I would however ask you to try and use the NZXT Hue+ lighting strip as a case lighting and pick up a 5050RGB lighting kit with adhesive backing to apply between the motherboard and motherboard tray. In retrospect, the cabling work would be a paint to work with since the wires provided aren't exactly long.
A lot of that 5050 strip is too tall to put behind this one but the nzxt is really thin. Also I wanted to to be controlled digitally as well, a remote to keep up with isn't going to suit me lol.
My reason for concern is due to the fact that you're running it exactly where the rams will go in any matx/atx board. Had there been a cut out under that area that was the same width of the LED strip and spaced a few more mm's away, I'd have said: hell yeah, lets make progress! but that's not the case.

You could take a look at these or see what NZXT has to say about them being in proximity to a board for an extended period of time...?
Yep. I called NZXT while they were open, next in line. I held for over 3 hours. They left work and left my call in queue. I have pleasant email for Johnny the founder. That was my first thought was to ask them. Thanks for a detailed response.
I'm not sure if I'd try it personally. Hard to say, I'm not sure how warm those will get. I've got standard 5050 led's as case lighting in mine and while they're not 'hot' really they do put off a bit of heat and that's without being cramped between the mobo tray and the board where little to no airflow is going to get to it. What sort of effect are you going for? With so little room behind the motherboard chances are you'd probably get a very dim glow. Much of the light would be blocked positioned there.

Other folks have been asking the same question for several years, some suggest using side emitting led's, el wire or using plexi behind the motherboard with led's edge lighting it.
It was sort of a sarcastic answer to be honest, I never got any answer from NZXT unless it was 2-3 weeks old.

Nah, just helping out 😉 though you're welcome!

I'd have suggested making a motherboard tray out of arcylic and after a frosting use, LED strips to illuminate it but that is just too much damn work 😛

+ 1 to heat output from them.
I'm not concerned with the heat if any. My question is the affect of the magnetic attribute of the strip to the motherboard or any other components. I'm wanting to use this specific one so I can control all the lighting digitally.
Lutfig lol. No worries! I'm just sharing my story about that one. I've had one other conversation with NZXT and they did great for me. I manage several call centers and I would have had someone's head for that haha.