Obama and Putin

I am not sure.

Obama is straight ... not sure about Putin.

He gets pretty friendly when pi$$ed.

If Michelle is serciving Obama well I den't see Putin taking him away from her.

Where are we going with this?

Am I on the right track?
Putin is going to play Obama. Obama doesn't have the backbone or the experience to handle Putin.

I really suspect Russia is going to gain strong footing again, teamed up with China and other countries, to the detriment of the US.
Baa ... you Americans simply don't understand Russky "Posturing" ...

Putin simply wants a bit of respect ...

The russians have no intentions of going back down the old path ... they have too much to gain moving forward.

If the US treated Russia better as a business partner they would respond a lot more favourably.

The recent negative comments were simply posturing die to the elections.

I actually have some respect for Putin because he's doing what he believes is right for his country. I like the strength that he shows. Though, how he goes about some of it I do disagree with.

He could easily handle Obama if he wanted to but I think he projects more than what he has.
Yes after the wall came down and decent relations commenced between the US and Russia it became blatently obvious that their level of tech was significantly lower, however more robust and inline with KISS in many respects.

War between superpowers is simply stupid in any case due to the danger of nuclear weapons.

The Olympic games is a much more sensible approach, along with word cup Soccer and Rugby, and Cricket ... oh and not forgetting the winter games.

I should include Ice Hockey ... a fantastic sport to watch.

Alas here in Australia I don't see it catching on soon ... though we could setup on Antarctica I guess ... bit far to drive ... er surf though.

The wall didn't come down because of Reagan. (Holy crap, did I really say that?) It came down for other reasons but Reagan claimed it as a win, as did Gorby claimed it as a win on their side. Both saved face against a lose-lose situation.
Ummm, there was that little thing called defense spending, where a good part of that race was not only held, but won by the US, as the USSRs spending to its GDP for defense was too large for sustainability, where we saw Reagan undo the many reductions in those defense spending capacities, and where every serviceman I talked to at the time said Reagan was their and the militaries best friend.
But yes, there were other factors as well
The real hero of destroying communism was...here we go...the economy.

USSR spent more on defense than on their own socialist plans for the people. More money in weapons, less on food. Wonder why liberals here are afraid?

Putin strikes me as one of an old soviet dog...he has his tricks, and won't move for a new one. Obama is a new trick, so will Romney. Did you know Putin was former KGB?
Could video have had a impact on the Soviet downfall? Video could have gotten into the already-ing loosened border grip and people could have seen the U.S way of life from recordings. Not sure, but a reasonable suspicion.
To see what opinions people have in this topic. To think and use your brains on what really Putin has in store for our country.

Yeah, that was a main point. Our economy was able to better sustain the debt than their economy. It wasn't about military might or anything like that. We just had more capacity to spend than they did.. mutually assured destruction was the same.

They said ending the cold war was good because they could better serve the people. The people saw it as a win and the US backing down. Over here, we saw Russia backing down and we dominating through leadership and military power. Each claimed it as a win and that the other side backed down.
Ironically Romney still thinks Russia is our enemy until now. What a jerk!
I see you are a wise ass! Your remarks prove it. Not the least impressed with you and your posts.


But then, in the '30's, as far as the U.S. was concerned, the Japanese were "posturing" - right up until December 7, 1941.