mjw :
terr281 :
On the other side, one party believes that government should be larger, should provide for its citizens more, tax more (to provide said services), etc.
That over-simplifies the positions of the two parties. In reality both want large government spending, they just want the spending in different areas. Republicans want ...
I purposefully made the position simple, so an outsider with no knowledge of our system could understand it. (As, at the root of our system, that is what the two parties call for. The reality may be different.)
Now, for my opinionated post:
The Republicans will not stop until the main people that back their party, the wealthy (money) and voters that back the party (those hot topic issues) have dismantled almost every social program the USA has. Cut payments to retirees, cut payments to the healthcare system for the poor, don't allow universal health care to be implemented... . (And, before someone says that the universal health care system was flawed because it wasn't universal, this is the fault of Republican state governments. They had a legally right position, but it doesn't change the fact that they took the universal out of universal health care.)
The Democrats, for their part, seem to be positioning the country down the path of "forever deficit spending." Spend, spend, spend... with no fiscal accountability. Social programs cost money, lots of money, and the USA's tax system/base, along with things like free trade, illegal immigration, stratification between the rich and poor increasing, the USA's changing position in the global political & economical stages over the past ~60-70 years... all make a system that over the long run will not work. (We, as a superpower, are collapsing just like the Soviet Union did, the empires of the European countries centuries ago, many empires that rules over various parts of the world centuries to many centuries ago.) Coupled with the fact that many military bases are based in Republican states, any Democrat (from one of those districts) that wishes to keep his post must also back the military, the building of more military weapons by manufacturers, ... .
Someone else, above, stated the problem easily. Lobbyists and their money. Lobbyists (and / or their backers, via other means) donate to election campaigns, and no matter a politician's party, they accept money from one group or another and then back laws the lobbyists will agree with. (And, with the distinct possibility that soon, companies will be given the same rights as individuals, ... they will have free speech, the ability to donate as much money to politicians as they want, the ability to sue "living" people for slander, ...)
The hopeful solution would be the removal of any organization, non-profit or for-profit, to make campaign contributions to politicians. A very strict limit on the amount that an individual person can give would also be put into place. The world runs on money. If politicians had to be accountable to people, instead of money, then things would be different. (Implement a recall system for almost all political postings, and things would also greatly be for the better.)
Unfortunately, I believe the only solution remaining is both political parties being replaced by others. Remove the backbone of both organizations, and start anew. Both are basically the same now, just pandering one set of issues or another to stay in power.