I am from England and from the news coverage I have seen on the internet and the television the Republican Party is coming across as being a little bit nuts and paranoid.
This mindset is totallly wrong. Obama's approval rating is in the low 40's. As low as George Bush ever was. His own party is seperating from him. The election is tuesday. Obama and the democrats are going to loose on an almost inconceivable scale. The House of represenatives falls from Obama's power. As many as 60 seats will be gained by the Republican party and a majority in the House will have been attained. The House and Senate races up for election on tuesday will be won overwhelmingly by Republicans. On a scale not seen in some 75 years. Obama will hold on to senate majority by 2 to 4 seats by tuesday night's end. Calling the Republican Party 'crazy' and representing a 'conspiracy theory' is ludicrous. Clinton News Network(CNN) has such a derilict liberal bias it's really no wonder. Same with MSNBC. These liberal news conglomerations got Obama elected. The conspiracy theory insinuation regarding the Republican party is Monty Pythonish silly.
Maybe I am getting a distorted view but as I am an unbiased observer with no vested interest in the outcome of the US election as I couldn’t care who wins perhaps my view point has some validity.
Obama's administration is doing very poorly in regard to the swing voters who voted for him in 2008. One pole has more than 50% of those polled stating they would not vote for him again. Your view has no validity as far as the Republican party being a bunch of 'crazies' and 'conspiracy theorists'. That my friend is not the case. Obama's support levels are shrinking wide and far. Take a look at the results tuesday night. The Republicans will absolutely bury Obama's party. Look for that to be a strong tend in American politics leading to the 2012 elections.
On a personal level I have friends who voted for Obama. All of them are sorry they did which seems to be the norm in that regard. One has a son who served I believe two terms in Iraq and now two or three terms in Afghanistan. I know he has two Purple Hearts. My friend is busy writing letters to his State Senator questioning why this has happened his son serving multiple terms in combat. He voted for Obama because Obama promised to end the war in Iraq. But then Obama started his own little conflict in Afghanistan where He is currently calling the shots with Potreus's guidance. Anyway, on a personal level the people I come in contact with who voted for Obama two years ago would not vote for Obama again. I hope this gives a little perspective or 'inside' to what is going on in American politics. The near future looks bleak. Hopefully the learning curve through these times will be effective and get the country through in one piece. If not you Brits are welcome to San Francisco.
Edited to clean up spelling and offer Northern CA. Southern CA is the capitol of Mexico and I don't have complete authority to give it away under those circumstances.