Obama Vs Crime

I think he is trying to also change the focus as well, and bring to the forefront lessor crimes as being worse than they are.

Now once again, as we beome better at something, we spend elsewheres.
I think crime has risen since Obama is in the presidency not gone down at all.
Well under Obama, many former crimes such as being present in the USA illegally (notice the first two syllables - "illegal") are no longer crimes since he selectively enforces the laws enacted by Congress according to what he thinks will get him re-elected..

Personally I will stay out of the current election as I don't care much for Romney, and I think Obama has been the worst president in the last 80 years...
Why do you say this ? Because he is African American perhaps.There were worse presidents than Obama.
Typical liberal, bring race into a policy doscussion.

Obama being African American has nothing to do with his amnesty policies and failure to meet his Constitutional duty to enforce federal immigration law. The fiasco between the DOJ and Arizona Governor Brewer is all the proof, let alone all the other shenanigans, necessary to show what a failure Obama has been.

Yes, there have been worse President's than Obama; Wilson, FDR, and Johnson come to mind...interesting how all of them are Democrats, huh?

Genuis FDR introduced SS without this most seniors would not really exist without it today. You are to young to understand this.
Crime has gone up dramatically. It caused my house price to drop 75% in the last 2 years alone. Up until about 4 months ago a selling point for my house was that there had been no shootings within a half mile of my house. That changed when someone was shot on my street (they lived). The potential buyer, from Cleveland, walked.

Previously, crime was nil. My house is/was in one of the best neighborhoods, best school district, etc. You can buy an average new car for more than what my house is worth now.

Thanks for painting me as some sort of bigot - you don't know me so don't jump to assumptions, OK? Besides, no less an authority as Morgan Freeman disputes whether Obama is actually black 😛

The reasons why I consider Obama such a poor president? Well for starters he is a liar and will do anything it takes to get re-elected. Remember his promise to cut the deficit by half by this year, made some 3 years ago? And that he should not be re-elected if he failed to do so? So what happened with that?

2nd - he is supposed to be the chief law enforcement official and swore an oath to uphold the Constitution. So now he arbitrarily waives enforcement of the immigration laws by directing Homeland Security to not arrest "undocumented" aka illegal aliens in this country, most obviously to sway the Hispanic vote. So now we have 'No papers, no fear': Undocumented immigrants declare themselves on bus tour :


Sorta "in your face" illegal aliens with an attitude, eh? In the meantime unemployment of actual US citizens remains above 8%, but hey, so long as Obama gets re-elected so what, right??

Third, I don't think the Obama's care much about the US:

Obama and his wife were attending The 9/11 Memorial Ceremony and watched as the Color Guard folded the flag into a triangular shape, according to custom…

A video camera caught the two from the sidelines. Obama's wife leaned over and said to him, "All this for a damn flag?" Obama turned to her, smiled smugly and nodded his head in agreement.

How do we know what was said? The video was presented for translation to a lip reading instructor at The River School http://www.riverschool.net/ , a Washington D.C. school for the deaf.

The video is shown at normal speed, 3/4 speed, and 1/2 speed with no banners obstructing her lips. Click here:

< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJgWMI0h ... re=related>

One Term!
For all those who served in the military, and the ones who died or were wounded for a "damn flag" as Michelle calls it, just so she
could be free and get all the benefits she has, her education and her husband elected as President of the greatest country on earth.

Shame on her and Barack Obama...for "a damn flag."

I could go on for 20 pages but this should be enough for now.

Question: Why do you support Obama? Or are you merely against Romney?
I may be younger than you but I am old enough to understand that Social Security has been on the verge of insolvency since the early 1970's. The government continues to sink tax payer dollars into a system that can not sustain itself. Social Security needs to be reformed, overhauled, or done away with altogether. Social Security takes up 20% of the federal budget, and with just under $16 Trillion dollars in national debt, only 6% goes towards paying down the debt; seems like a question of mixed priorities.

Lastly, please point out where in the Constitution it says that Social Security is an enumerated power of government! And, for the life of me, please do not reference the General Welfare clause in Article 1, Section 8, because history has shown that Congress using the General Welfare clause to lay excise tax on the people is a gross ursurpation of power and in direct conflict with the intent of the Constitution as spelled out in the Federalist Papers #41, 45, and 83.

Bottom line, the FDR push for SCOTUS to re-interpret the Constitution and the subsequent Congressional power grab that rationalized the legitimacy of Social Security is the same perverse thinking that opened the door for the things like the Dept of Education, Dept of Health and Human Services, the EPA, and enabled the progressive social engineering programs throughout the last century in America.

But I digress...
Crime rates have gone up nationwide. I would directly correlate this to the increase in Americans receiving Federal assistance.

It isn't too often you find a full time employed person commiting crimes. More often than not it is someone who is unemployed and/or somehow receiving benefits, be it themselves directly or someone supporting them.

By that reasoning, liberal whites who detest conservative blacks must also be ... racists.

Homicides in my former hometown are up 19% this year. Nationwide, sure. One less murder in Montana is a significant number statistically speaking. :)
Some of these convictions you hear about Obama are false completely. Romney has no vision at all for this country only he harps on the economy and that is it.