OC and non-OC graphic cards with manual overclock = equal??


Oct 2, 2018
Hi guys,

So I'm about to upgrade to an RTX 2080 graphic card.
I'm considering the MSI Ventus (new model from MSI).
However, when I look this particular card up on Newegg, I see that there are 2 different types (one is Ventus and the other is Ventus OC)

Non-OC version: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814137375&Description=msi%20ventus%202080&cm_re=msi_ventus_2080-_-14-137-375-_-Product
OC version: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814137350&Description=msi%20ventus%202080&cm_re=msi_ventus_2080-_-14-137-350-_-Product

As you can see, there is a price difference. The OC version costs more.
So my question is, with manual overclocking (using MSI AfterBurner for example), would both card end up with approximately the same max clock?

OR, does the OC version always have a higher max clock which the non-OC could never achieve no matter how much you overclock it?

If manual overclocking ultimately brings these 2 to the same level of performance, then why did they have that price difference? Because I think manual overclocking isn't hard at all and could be done in even just one day!

Thank you for your help guys.
Nvidia cards OC themselves. More than likely, both cards will run at the same frequency, even without manual intervention.

Regardless, it's a 10% price increase for a 5% advertised boost block increase.