Oculus Rift "Crystal Cove" Now Tracks Your Position, Packs Low Persistence OLED Displays

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love it, i hope they take the time to get it right the first time. i got 8hours in a sony vr and i did like it. but the 720p killed it, and some blurry linses made it a little worse. but i will own a set of rift for sure

Well, technically it was a 1920*1080 screen divided between two eyes. So you were really getting 960*1080 for each eye (maximum). Then you have to consider the bubble effect those lenses have, so it's worse than 960*1080 because they don't want you to see the edge. Anyways, with the screen divided in half, they may go for a non-traditional resolution. So it's hard to say 1080P or 1440P or 720P.

My guess is that they have something special in store and that's why they're just saying "HD".
I'm hyped for this. The retail version can't come soon enough. This is the Immersion I've been craving for years. I just really hope they can keep the retail price where they are aiming as these new upgrades look expensive.
I'd suspect the 720p comment was down to needing a lower latency display. It may be that the lower latency gave a better experience than the high resolution. Display technology is moving so fast right now though that six months from now we could well have a 4k OLED screen with low persistence and price tag to keep the Rift under $300.

The head tracking is awsome and definitly required on the final product, but a big part of me hopes they merge with someone like Sixense and integrate STEM sensors into teh rift and then $300 gets you a Rift, or $400 gets you a rift with two STEM based hand controllers.
If there is any product that hype might have merit around it is this.

nVidia and AMD: Rebranding their old GPUS to sell more.
Game Developers: Almost no improvment in the last 5 years in games, milking CoD series, Crysis, Battlefield, etc (In the past a game that in singleplayer had under 8-10 hours of gameplay would be considered an insult).
Intel/AMD in CPUs: The mainstream is still 4 cores, since almost nothing uses more than that, not to mention that the last 3 generations are basicly the same.
Displays: 4K... Its nice but you need GPUs non existant now and the prices are insane, so... we still have to wait.

The Oculus is going to open a lot of posibilities... as long as they dont screw it up 😀.

Trust me. Wait. And you're not alone. At the beginning of the demo, as the rep was talking, he was like, "We want people to be able to wear this for ten hours, all day, comfortably. Just living in that virtual world." I was thinking, "Yeah, right, and what about the real world?" After the demo I was like: Lock me up with Oculus and throw away the key. I'll be fine.
I have a feeling that the Oculus Rift, the most hyped gaming peripheral ever, will be the biggest let down ever. First, these crowd funding scams never work. If a company like Microsoft could design something like the Oculus Rift, on the shoe string budget these guys are on, and make it profitable, they would. There are countless other companies with more money and more talent that have been trying to do this for years. Now these nobodies are going to do it?

The people at Kickstarter are a bunch of con artists. Crowd funding is a scam, for the consumers and even sometimes the designers. People on here won't like to hear this, but if we ever see the Oculus Rift, it will either be crap or cost several magnitudes more than the expected $300. I wish it were different, but I doubt it will be.

Nobodies? John Carmack is not a nobody. Do you think he would leave id software for a flash in the pan? They also just finished $75 million in series B funding via Marc Andreessen, so not really a shoestring budget anymore either. I think it's unfair to refer to them as a crowdfunding campaign at this point. Oculus VR has evolved beyond that point.

Thanks! I got them done 'specially for the show. :)

Completely agree. For me the release specs of the 'next gen consoles' showed how stagnant gaming tech has become recently. Maybe the global recession is partly to blame with companies taking less risk. 4K doesn't really appeal at the moment. I'd rather see better Graphics at 1080p through increased texture sizes and lighting models. New approaches to existing genres (other than Graphics, how much have RTS games actually changed in the last decade?). The game 'Get even' by Farm 51 is at least taking a very fresh approach to level design. Something like that with Oculus Rift could me very immersive.
While I'm sure Jane appreciates some of the comments, come on guys be respectful.Question for Jane / Marcus / Chris about the Oculus. Keyboard / mouse or game controller, which was better?

I am more than willing to look just as stupid as soon as the product is affordable and works properly lol
While the dodging and diving aspect sounds interesting, it is something that I don't think will ever take off.
It is much like how the wearable industry goes against every trend going in technology becoming less intrusive, lighter and more portable allowing us to wear and carry less items.
Video games allow users to be able to do things that they simply cannot do in real life, and brings that expierence of being super human (or some semblance of that expierence) to a much broader range of people. If you have working eyes and hands and a brain between them, then you can play video games. It brings the fittest of athletes and those bound to a wheelchair to the exact same level of ability. That is what makes video games fun and exciting. I will never be as fit as Bruce Wayne, but I don't need to be in order to be him in a game and take part in his fantastical adventures. The idea of my physical abilities, and limits to those abilities, bleeding into the game world is a repulsive idea to me as a nerd. I may not be disabled, and I am even in OK shape, but I will never have the dedication of an athlete to compete with other athletes. Athletes already have plenty of realms of competition to dominate in. Don't take away video games from us and give it to them as well.

John Carmack is a nobody compared to entire companies like Microsoft, Sony, and Samsung. Microsoft spent over $100 million on R&D for their Xbox One controller... Just the controller! A couple million dollars might seem like a lot of money to you, but it is absolutely nothing compared to what real companies have thrown at this idea. If you believe somehow this little crowd funded start up is going to be able to do what Dozens if not hundreds of major companies have failed at, make a consumer level VR headset that can sell at a profit, you are delusional.
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