Oculus Rift "Crystal Cove" Now Tracks Your Position, Packs Low Persistence OLED Displays

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20ms or lower latency matched to 1440p res and I would be sold in a heart beat,Don't mind if it adds another few hundred to retail price! Maybe they should have a few models like gpu cards, That way you can buy whatever your budget allows, Basic entry level VR that anyone can afford,Mid range, And a high end with the works on it.Really need to get the hd up to truly be immersed in a game, just seeing some pixels or jaggies ruins the whole experience.
if you are saying that this will be a flop, you are a complete idiot.

it hasn't even hit shelves yet, but they have put god knows how much into its development. it has garnered so much support from developers and communities as the next big thing to happen to gaming. copycats are popping up left and right. and IT HASNT EVEN HIT SHELVES YET. once it does, it surely is going to change the landscape of gaming, and well, pc gaming. this will push pc gaming up and over the edge, and i bet sales will jump too

it will be a while before we get a version that is slim and light, but man i don't think i can wait that long.
A flop? It is not going to be what you think, an affordable high quality VR headset. It will be either affordable and junk, or quality and expensive.

I just don't get why the first thing that comes to everyone's mind when they hear about an interesting crowd funding project isn't, "Why hasn't a real company already done this?" Seriously, you don't think anyone at Microsoft has thought about doing this? You don't think a company like Microsoft is infinitely better equipped to bring such a product to market? You don't think there are hundreds of other companies in between Microsoft and these guys, who have more talent, more capital, and more incentive to make a product like this?

I guess this is why there are pyramid schemes, casinos, and the lottery. Logic be damned, people WANT to believe.
If there is any product that hype might have merit around it is this.nVidia and AMD: Rebranding their old GPUS to sell more.
That's mostly the fault of OEMs who demand new product numbers for their new products. Anyway, the last round of new GPUs has seriously bumped up performance and brought prices down. Aftermarket 290s and 780s are very nice. Everybody hates rebrands but they haven't stopped working on new tech. CPUs aren't as vital anymore with more and more code leaning on the GPU - hence why even Intel is dedicating large chunks to graphics.

Guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. :)

It definitely is. Confession: I also visited the Xi3 booth multiple times to play with the less impressive (but still AWESOME) developer version of OR. I almost fell over playing Half Life 2 because I was running down stairs and it was all a little too much for the old equilibrioception.

Do you think it will really need a powerful rig to use? Its only 1x 1080p display at the end of the day

Well keep in mind. you're rendering everything twice for stereo. So even if the combined resolution is equivalent to 1080p, that doesn't mean the performance will be identical to a single 1080p display. But with that said, I'm sure it still won't need to be outrageously powerful. Just a decent, modern gaming machine.

Hey, that makes me think... this would be an interesting case for a new Crossfire/SLI rendering "mode".

I'm not worried about my GPU as my MSI 4G R9 290 twin frozr is due to arrive Wednesday (I'm a little excited. Seriously. It's like being a child again) but my theory was that the dual screens are half the size of 1080p each so would be the same as a normal 1080p screen. I was under the impression the gpu cared more about the number of pixels rendered as opposed to its content. Obviously if you have physx on then that has to be rendered twice so I see what your saying. Would be intresting to see some benchmarks. Anyone got a 720p oculus that could benchmark a game with oculus @720p vs monitor @720p. Would be nice to see how much of an impact it has at the moment.
Well, a lot of stuff would not have to be processed twice. I'm not saying the impact is huge, I'm just saying that I'd expect some impact when compared to 2D at the same "total resolution". It won't even phase your high-end graphics card, especially since we're not talking full 1080p per eye, and I don't know what the refresh rate is but I suspect it's fairly low.

When I say "decent modern gaming machine", I really think a $200 graphics card would be sufficient. At least until an even more advanced Oculus Rift comes out. Also, I really hope this thing supports a lot of platforms. I'd hate to buy an expensive VR headset and find it only supports a couple of platforms.

Heck, maybe I'll just hold out until the first NerveGears hit the market.
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