Great article. By far PSVR is the best compromise, in fact it's what will save high-end VR.
The Oculus at 700€ (as to be shipped) was a disappointment, although it's the lightest and lest tethered and has built-in spatial headset, as a low FOV but most importantly almost no content.
The Vive at 900€, was a mess, it has the room-tracking, chaperone and controller but the set-up (11 fucking cables with a gigantic box), the lousy Steam software you have to update, install, and run, and the inexactitude of tracking is annoying. Then there's lots of shit content, and few worthy room-scale experience.
More importanly, they both require a very recent and expensive PC, which means you have to use Wincrap and all it's mess and problems (15 millions user base according to Nvidia), and you tied to you desktop environnement.
PSVR on the other is 500€, as the best design and confort (because of the quick remove slide), is multiplayer and social, has spatial audio, and seem to have the best experiences available for it. But most importantly it's cheap and available on a cheap but optimised and straight-forward system (50 millions user base by release).