OCZ Introduces its Speedy RevoDrive 350 PCIe SSDs

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Who exactly is buying these OCZ drives? Their consumer line has garnered quite the bad reputation for reliability over the years, so who is trusting their so-called "enterprise" line is any better? Especially when you can get enterprise drives w/amazing performance like the Samsung XS1715, an ultra-fast NVMe PCIe SSD up to 1.6TB. Dell is putting them into their massive PowerEdge R920; I don't know who is using OCZ drives in the enterprise.
I agree 2Be_or_Not2Be I owned 3 OCZ drivers, and 2 failed within a year of buying. OCZ did replace them, and to this day one sits on the shelf, another is used for 2 games, but backups are run monthly of it. I have NO faith in their products. Switch to a Samsung and it's been running strong for over a year. of course, this is now just a "programs" drive, since buying my RAIDR.
Although lately, I don't put much faith in Samsung's tech, since I have a TV and Home Theater that are both giving me issues, and the home theater is only a few months old... been serviced by Samsung under warranty, but still has issues. =/

Definitely. The original Revo, Revo3 and this drive are all bootable.

Am I missing something here? I purchased an OCZ Revodrive 3 X2 Max IOPS 960GB PCI SSD 3 years ago that has the same specs. Besides the price, I can't see anything different from this newer offering. I'm not sure why anyone would consider this over the Samsung or Micron PCI SSD offerings.
I own more than 30 OCZ drives, never had a problem with any of them. People
keep banging on about ancient historical fw issues. For grud's sake move on;
even Intel had issues at one point, or has everyone forgotten their bricked 8MB

Even now with so many newer models out, the Vertex4 and Vector are excellent SSDs.


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