Looks like OCZ decided to just up and change all warranties again. They also removed all Vertex, the first couple Revodrives, and all Agility from the supported and/or warrantied product list. Even the first Vector is gone, no longer supported.
http://ocz.com/us/support/legacy-products and
They also now deny warranties by TBW: "Warranty is 5 years or the max TBW (total bytes written) per model capacity, whichever occurs first". (see under full specs on page here:
They also changed the "Shieldplus Warranty" to "advanced warranty" and can now offer prorated refunds at their discretion where they used to send new drives. They also previously advertised you only need the serial number, now you need receipts sent with the defective drive. If they don't like the receipt they bill you.
http://ocz.com/us/support/advanced-warranty From under warranties "After receipt of new replacement Product, please return to TOSHIBA the Product in accordance with TOSHIBA’s instructions, together with your return the original purchase receipt or a legiable copy. If TOSHIBA determines that a returned product is not subject to a valid warranty claim, TOSHIBA may require you to pay the costs of providing any replacement products or repair services."
For a company struggling with reputation they sure are making it harder and harder. They up and changed warranties once now they change it again. It could change again next week.