Office Word Processing

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Hey Guys,

I hope you can help me :??:, I'm searching either for an real Office Word expert or if such a thing exist for an company which can exactly transform an paper in jpeg with text and charts to an editable word document.

I would be grateful if you could name me such an service or if someone who really knows Office Word could get in touch with me.

Thank You.

What you need is OCR (Optical character recognition) software. It will convert pictures with text into text documents. The results will vary depending on how clear the pictures are. You would have to compare the pics with the document and fix any typos. I cannot recommend a particular program since I haven't used one in years:
If it is a large document and you don't want to do it yourself you can search online for a service that does it (I don't know any myself). Just search OCR service (not Office Word).
Hi Z-Tech,

thank you for your answer and the link, I tried an OCR, ABBYY Finereader 11. But the outcome was very poor, it recgonized the text, but the tables were just ... messy. And no it's very few text, just 4 pages, but the problem is the non-word Part therefore I think I need someone who can transform it manually, who is used working with charts and tables.

Do you have another catchword for such a data converting, which I could use for inquest?
You could use a photo editing program (Photoshop or Gimp for example) to crop out the images from the JPEGs and save them, then insert them again into your Word doc, discarding the tables from the OCR program.
That's a nice suggestion Z-Tech, but due to the fact that the jpegs are scanned pictures of the originally printed papers the script wouldn't be that sharp and precisely as I wanted, and the other thing is, the arrangement of the charts and tables, they mix up with the text, it would be nearly impossible to arrange them as shortly as in the original papers. That's the reason I fear to get a perfect example the papers have to get rebuild in word again.

Therefore I'm looking for a someone or an webservice who knows to handle word in a professional way.

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