Question Oh great and powerful wizards of Tom's forums please help me repeat the magical keys.


May 16, 2023
I often highlight a word by double-clicking, then ctrl-c it, and ctrl-v in the search bar to check spelling or define the word and the other week I had a miraculous thing happen, my big goofy fingers hit some magical key combo and a popup box appeared above my highlighted word that gave me the definition (and maybe a few synonyms that may be from something else I read about on this quest) since then have tried and tried to recreate this magic, I have Googled, AI-ed, and floundered about to no avail so I decided to climb the mountain in defeat and ask the Tom's Hardware wizards how I cast this keyboard magic. I am on Windows 10 Pro and at the time on the Brave browser, both are meticulously up-to-date. Thank you in advance wise ones.


May 16, 2023
I couldn't find it in Brave or Windows and was hoping it was just obscure and left under a rock. I knew if such a thing existed this is where I would find the solution. Looking for it I did see some extensions and apps that would do the job at the cost of more add-ons to my old system I'm not sure I would welcome is I try to keep the old girl trim as she has to last a long time yet.
Thanks anyway.