To be fair, I'm not a die-hard "Intel sucks, AMD is the master of all things computing, despite all the benchmarks saying 'NOT ANYMORE'" fanboy.
Like I said, I like AMD because I built my first rig with an A64 CPU, and it's been great...but if you read closely, you'll see that I very well might be switching to Core 2 in the next month, because the performance in pretty much living up to the hype. I'm only posing a semi-hypothetical question in light of recent events, and seeing what other people think about it. It's not a bashing thread.
Anyway, I think AMD is trying to avoid the whole multi-socket conundrum again. They've already stated that the eventual socket AM3 processor can be used in an AM2 motherboard, and in light of Intel's price cuts and their own expansion and revision plans, they really can't afford to have a bunch of different product lines. Hence, the EOL for the 1MB cache AM2 CPUs, and quite a few 754 and 939 CPUs.
Like I said, I like AMD because I built my first rig with an A64 CPU, and it's been great...but if you read closely, you'll see that I very well might be switching to Core 2 in the next month, because the performance in pretty much living up to the hype. I'm only posing a semi-hypothetical question in light of recent events, and seeing what other people think about it. It's not a bashing thread.
Anyway, I think AMD is trying to avoid the whole multi-socket conundrum again. They've already stated that the eventual socket AM3 processor can be used in an AM2 motherboard, and in light of Intel's price cuts and their own expansion and revision plans, they really can't afford to have a bunch of different product lines. Hence, the EOL for the 1MB cache AM2 CPUs, and quite a few 754 and 939 CPUs.