OJ part Deaux

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Hard to tell if his account was hacked or not at this point. If this outside company finds something, he needs to release the results of the investigation to clear his name. If he were smart though, he should have gone to the cops to play it safe, yet because he didn't there is a reasonable amount of suspicion.
It doesn't seem like the media is going to give up on it so easily, hence he may eventually have to spill his guts. If it turns out he sent the pic, he should start tendering his resignation letter now, as the calls for it from both sides of the aisle will be numerous.
Well, if his supposed group of hacker finders finds their man....
Just like OJ, he wants to find someone else guilty so bad hes hired his own
But, dont ask the police, and dont let the FBI anywheres near it
And its no big deal, since hes only a congressman
Maybe wikileaks should be totally absolved as well, with this mindset, as well as whoevers hacking Sony

Or, maybe I can downplay this whole thing as to make it go away
Yea, its as if he gets a pass because of that
Like, it can only be expected, and its no big deal, and please, we shouldnt be scum by thinking what he mightve done was scummy.
Sometimes its hard pointing out some peoples faults, lifestyles and choices, as many are harmful, but all should know who the accuser is, and why once brought out, many a time, if brought out, theyre the ones accused
Question: Whos known as the great accuser?
Go to the police because you were dumb and let somebody know your twitter password? Seriously? Also, there is no way to know it was a picture of his own stuff or somebody elses from what I know... so you dont even need photoshop...
Typical liberal media
Brian Williams doesnt include Weiners admittance to his stupid folly, because he had more compelling things to report on, such as Palin goofing up Paul Reveres midnite ride

This is our mainstream media here

PS Oh, by the way, theyre not biased
I'm not saying this because he is a Democrat. If he were a Republican, I'd say the same thing. Personally, I'm rather irritated by all of these so called "scandals." I could care less what the guy is doing in his personal life. I don't care if he slept with any of those women or not. I don't care that Arnold has a "love child." So long as these public officials are not doing anything illegal or using government resources, they can do whatever they want when it comes to this sort of stuff.

Now yes, what Edwards did was illegal (allegedly) and it should be public knowledge.

But when it comes to matters that aren't illegal, I don't want to hear about it. If a politician is sleeping around on his wife, it's between them. If she divorces him, it may be a blurb on the news, but otherwise, who cares. We should hold our elected officials to higher standards, but those standards should only count towards the office/job they hold. Remember, these kind of things happen everyday all across the world- get over it. Joe Blow from down the street may be sleeping around on his wife, yet I don't care, nor does anyone else.

Remember, JFK slept around on his wife like it was going out of style. The media kept it to themselves because the president's personal life was none of their business. That's the way it should be.

If the ethics investigation finds that Weiner didn't do anything illegal, he shouldn't have to resign.


Take a look around local governments at the elected level. Most are just as incompetent as those at the state and federal level. Not sure if you'd want these average Americans running the show.
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