Ok to leave CPU heat sink on table?


May 27, 2014
I just took out my CPU heat sink to clean it and i'm planning to leave it on the table until Friday when i can buy thermal paste. Can i leave the heat sink on the table or should i place it in a box?
On a related note, would it be harmful for the CPU to be attached to the computer without a heat sink? Could the thermal paste possibly drip onto the motherboard?
On the table, in the box...which ever is fine but I would clean your heat sinks contact point again before applying thermal paste. Dust and other particales could get stuck on it between now and when you get your paste.

As for your CPU being attached without a heat sink, off it is no problem. On however could do damage to your CPU real quick. I have booted without a CPU heat-sink to test if a new build POSTs but I shut it down immediately after POST. So if your just seeing if it will turn on and instantly turning it off (ie your not going into bios or trying to load into windows or any other software) then it can be "Ok" but do so with great caution.

Finally to answer your thermal paste issue. If your have non-conductive thermal...
On the table, in the box...which ever is fine but I would clean your heat sinks contact point again before applying thermal paste. Dust and other particales could get stuck on it between now and when you get your paste.

As for your CPU being attached without a heat sink, off it is no problem. On however could do damage to your CPU real quick. I have booted without a CPU heat-sink to test if a new build POSTs but I shut it down immediately after POST. So if your just seeing if it will turn on and instantly turning it off (ie your not going into bios or trying to load into windows or any other software) then it can be "Ok" but do so with great caution.

Finally to answer your thermal paste issue. If your have non-conductive thermal paste then it won't hurt your motherboard if some of it drips down. However if you use conductive paste/Liquid metal then the story changes and it can cause you to damage your board. Most thermal pastes are non-conductive but make sure you know which you have. I'd clean it up regardless but I hope that answers your questions.

Thanks! That was really helpful.