chaosgs 05/04/2012 12:50 PM
"Crazy people like himself tend to be successful for awhile. Im glad hes gone. Ask a Apple follower why they love Apple so much......You will want to pull your hair out. But their lose is our gain. They make great products cheaper."
I've been(was) a Mac tech since 94-95. I've been a Mac user since around '88. I have NO love for Steve Jobs! He was an a$$hole, he was totally self centered, and without Woz, he would be NOTHING! I still remember reading about him throwing a big fit in '84 and selling all his Apple stock back then. Everyone at Apple hated him, even back then, and fired his a$$ for a good reason! The Apple comeback of '97 was also NOT his doing! Apple had finally stabilized and started making a profit (37 million if I remember right), and THEN he came back and took credit for it all!
MAN! That statement really pissed me off, can you tell?
Anyway, Apple to me died in '06 when the last half Macintosh rolled off the assembly line which was the G5. And I say half a mac because it ran a chopped up version of UNIX called OS-X instead of the in-house developed Mac OS, but it still used PPC hardware. The PC clones that are called macs now-a-days are nothing more than x86 hardware running UNIX. There is no "Macintosh" left in them. When they bring back Woz, switch back to PPC(or other) hardware, and start developing their own OS again(not plastering a GUI on top of UNIX!!!), then I will love Apple, until then, APPLE IS DEAD TO ME!!!
Wow I'm mad... Wooosaaaa... Woooosaaaa...