Old PC less ping in games new pc high ping in games


Dec 20, 2017
Hello guys , so my computer since I bought it has more ping then the old one. It was not that big of a deal we are talking about 10-20 more ping , but now some servers from a game that I play moved farther away from me and that 20 ping makes a huge difference ( for me at least ) . The computer that I had is some old crappy pc from 2010 or even older , it has a e6600 4 GB ram and a gtx450 ( 1gb ) not sure about the motherboard ( it's ASRock that's for sure ) no internet card added ( by that I mean that it has the Ethernet port integrated ) and I had on it 30 ping . Now , on the new one which is not something that flashy but it gets the job done ( i5 7500 , 8gb RAM single Chanel 2133 mhz, gtx1060 6 GB and an asrock h110m-dgs r3.0) I have more ping for some reason ( both pc s run win 10 and the difference between them was since the new one had a fresh win install , so it's nothing about a program or something else that was added afterwards and affected the network) . Right now both pc are right next to each other connected to the same router through cables no wi fi ( obviously) and the difference is still the same ( I tried changing ports, cables , disconnecting every device and just keep the new pc ,trying the same thing with the old one to see if it's any difference ,nothing worked ,same results ). Edit the old PC has a p5b-de ASRock . What I want to know is why does this happen ? Can it be the motherboard s integrated network card ? ( I know is a pretty cheap board. So I think that might be it ) if not can I somehow solve this ? Thank you in advance and sorry for the grammar if it's wrong in some cases . ( BTW I also reseted the router to default still the same results I use a tp link those around 30 buck with a DD wtr frimware on it)
If the network delays are the same using actual ping commands then you are better off concentrating your efforts into some setting within the game.

This means the game is telling lies and blaming the network for delays when it is something else. I have seen people claim changing video settings fixes their game ping times, not that it should make any difference. Not sure who you would ask since it would need to be someone who know a lot about the technical aspects of the game you are playing.
I would ping the router IP and see if there is any difference in the ping times. I would be extremely surprised if you see any difference in the ping times. If there is it means you pc is likely receiving the reply from the router very quickly and ignoring it for some period of time....and in effect telling lies about when it received the response.

I would also ping This address is a duplicated in many cities and is a google dns server. Both your machines should show the same numbers.

If both these tests show no problems then I suspect the game itself is causing a issue and you do not have a actual network problem.
There is no difference between the pc s when I pinged them , the game I am talking about is league of legends , when it comes to updates the answer is no , there Aren't any background updates going on because I stopped them in reggedit , I don't get any updates and besides that , I had this problem before my fresh install as well so that's not it .. I'll wait for some other ideas , but thank you for the answers until now
If the network delays are the same using actual ping commands then you are better off concentrating your efforts into some setting within the game.

This means the game is telling lies and blaming the network for delays when it is something else. I have seen people claim changing video settings fixes their game ping times, not that it should make any difference. Not sure who you would ask since it would need to be someone who know a lot about the technical aspects of the game you are playing.
I sent a ticket to the developers about this problem , they responded with a step by step tutorial where I needed to edit in notepad ++ some code ( not sure what I did , I just followed the tutorial ) thx for the answer again bill , without you I would still think that the problem was caused by my router or pc