Old psu 500w on has 4 pin


Aug 2, 2016
I have a gt 720 currently and i was looking at a gtx 1060 and looking to purchase it next week(I know about the mining craze I'm impatient)
But when I was looking for the cables I saw that there was only one 4 pin and the gtx 1060 has a 6 pin so I went to find a adapter and saw that you needed 2 4 pin for the 6 pin to work I believe but I think I only have one and the other one is currently being used my the hard drive

(Buying a new psu is my last option)

Any suggestions?
Consider a GT 1030 perhaps? It is powered via the PCIe slot.

Or there's the RX 560 or 460.

A mechanical HDD may use up to 12 watts. Though some use less.

If you connected a dual-molex adapter to 6-pin PCIe and then the HDD all together then you'd probably be pulling slightly above the typical rated limit of the two molex connectors (2x40=80W).


buying a new power supply with the proper pcie cables is your FIRST option

if your power supply lacks any pcie cables it is too crap to risk using adapters with it