Question On Discord, how is one supposed to reply to an LFG post?

May 20, 2024
Like when someone posts under LFG that they're looking for either a second player, or a team of 4 (or more, depending on the game). How do you reply to that? I've tried just saying "Hi, my screen name is ManicIowa62" and then they don't reciprocate with theirs, so I cannot join them.
Perhaps they have already picked someone else.

= = = =

LFG being....?

Have you joined a group and/or created a gaming profile?

In any case, there would be some procedure(s) in place regarding how you reply and what is expected.

Check the LFG's FAQ pages.

For Gamerlink:

Yes, but when I look under the Discord server's rules, it doesn't state that I'm doing anything "wrong" so, basically, I'm following their rules.

I would pick another Discord server but the same things happen there, anyway.
Like when someone posts under LFG that they're looking for either a second player, or a team of 4 (or more, depending on the game). How do you reply to that? I've tried just saying "Hi, my screen name is ManicIowa62" and then they don't reciprocate with theirs, so I cannot join them.
In what way are we supposed to help? We have no connection to those servers or the operators thereof. We cannot in any way assist here.