I recently built a new computer and for some reason, the onboard NIC will only work at 10MBps full-duplex. I have tried auto and setting it to 100MBps or 1000MBps, but no luck. Only time I can connect to internet is when I do 10MBps. My router is a Belkin Wireless router model number: F5D8235-4 V2. The firmware is up to date. The motherboard is an ASRock 870 Extreme3. I couldn't download the drivers from the ASRock site for everything, but I did get the LAN and installed them, so they are up to date. After I couldn't get it to work, I tried connecting my cable to my laptop, which also has a 1 GBps NIC onboard, and that worked so I know it is not the cable. It is just a Cat5 cable not crossover. I cannot think of anything else I can do. Please any suggestions would be helpful.
I recently built a new computer and for some reason, the onboard NIC will only work at 10MBps full-duplex. I have tried auto and setting it to 100MBps or 1000MBps, but no luck. Only time I can connect to internet is when I do 10MBps. My router is a Belkin Wireless router model number: F5D8235-4 V2. The firmware is up to date. The motherboard is an ASRock 870 Extreme3. I couldn't download the drivers from the ASRock site for everything, but I did get the LAN and installed them, so they are up to date. After I couldn't get it to work, I tried connecting my cable to my laptop, which also has a 1 GBps NIC onboard, and that worked so I know it is not the cable. It is just a Cat5 cable not crossover. I cannot think of anything else I can do. Please any suggestions would be helpful.