One 1080p monitor (21.5"), or two 900p monitors (1440x900, 19")?


May 25, 2016
Hey guys, I wasn't sure on which one to have: One 1080p monitor (21.5", 60Hz) and one 1440x900 19" monitor which supports 75Hz, or two 900p monitors. Right now my Graphics card is an MSI Radeon R9 380 4G. Because the 1440x900 monitor is only 19", the quality downgrade shouldn't be as noticable, and the performance in games should be much better than gaming on the 1080p monitor. However, doing this would lose me a lot of quality. Just want opinions really, thanks for reading this!
Personal preference really, but id go with the 1920x1080 for gaming, and its 22 inches so thats a plus, now if you have three 19 inch screens and you could set them up in eyefinity that would be a different story, but you cannot game on both 19 inch screens at same time, why not hook up all 3, the 22 in the middle, and the 19s on each side?
Personal preference really, but id go with the 1920x1080 for gaming, and its 22 inches so thats a plus, now if you have three 19 inch screens and you could set them up in eyefinity that would be a different story, but you cannot game on both 19 inch screens at same time, why not hook up all 3, the 22 in the middle, and the 19s on each side?

See I was thinking of doing that, thanks for the suggestion! That could work, however if I got another two of the 1440x900 monitors I could use Eyefinity to play games across three screens right? But then I'd have to work out a use for the 1080p monitor.