One 980 ti operates much hotter?


Feb 12, 2016
So I know that no two processors are the same but I was wondering if this seems normal. 980ti SLI in a corsair 240. Top card typically ran at about 50C and bottom 30C (just running desktop and web surfing). 50C seemed kinda high to be so I replaced the factory thermal past with NT-H1. Didn't do a thing lol. Then I had an idea to swap my cards. The one that use to be on bottom but is now on top runs at about 40C and the one that use to be on top but is on bottom now runs at 30C like the other one use to. Is this normal for one card to operate 10C higher than the other?
In an SLI rig you will normally find that the top card runs hotter due to restricted airflow { it being really close to the bottom card } and that it is pulling in warmer air from that the bottom GPU has already used to cool with.

This is a contributing factor to people with more than one GPU going down the route of watercooling.

What are your load temperatures?
Doesn't sound that rare, especially if you did something stupid like using a standard model rather than a blower type.

If you did get something other than blower for the top one, you might want to buy a non-standard motherboard with 3 slots between PCIe rather than 2
I see some guys using the evga hybrid card to reduce the temps in a sli [1 hybrid and one whatever card ] and you say you use the reference cards it should be a easy match for sli

you could try to adjust the hot cards fan profile to see is that can help as well maybe ?

in the end like said above it just the way things are in a multi card set up - heat rises and one card kinda blocks air flow so.......

Yeah I understand that, what I'm wondering about is why one card idled at 50C when on top but the other one idles at 40C when on top? My bottom card always idles at 30C no matter which card it is.

Typical max temps during load at 4k (fire strike ultra, shadow of mordor) Top:70C Bottom 64C
Temps from Witcher 3 at 4K Top:80C Bottom 67C.

It seems the witcher 3 pushes my cards harder than anything else.
''Yeah I understand that, what I'm wondering about is why one card idled at 50C when on top but the other one idles at 40C when on top? My bottom card always idles at 30C no matter which card it is.''

? luck of the draw of each card and how it behaves or how ell the cooler is or assembled that day too little paste too much or what ever from the guy doing that at the factory ?

no telling comes down to the nature of each and every card, nothing is 100% or equal one card to another
As long as there is nothing wrong with the card that runs a little hotter. Shouldn't be thermal paste cause I took the heatsinks off both cards and replaced it with NT-H1. Both fans max at around the same rpms too.

The temperature difference will most likely just be down to that every processor is slightly different, and that the hotter one will need a slightly higher voltage to retain the same clock speeds as the other one.

Your temps, although on the warm side are safe and you won't cause any damage to your cards by running them like that.

To be safe, I would run a GPU stress test like Furmark to see what a synthetic load will do to your temperatures. The reason for this being, if a synthetic load shows safe temperatures, any normal load will also.

Basically you're just recycling warm air in the top one, so of course it'll be hotter. As for "nothing wrong", well, the top one will be under more stress due to the higher heat, so it'll be more likely to die. As long as it's under ~80C it should be fine, but temps above 70C are undesirable

I understand that the top card always runs hotter, thats not my concern
well last time [only time] I did sli was back in the 8800 days and learned my lesson -- lots of heat - lots of power draw - lots of overhead- lots of maintinace - driver issues [games that really were compatible for sli ] and so on I just got them the best I could and let them bop till they dropped .

my joke of sli is -- ''S'' udden - ''L''oss of ''I''ncome

one single powerful cad does all I need with out all the headaches and at a lot less cost all around [opinion]

I wanted to be able to play the witcher 3 in 4k, thats why I did SLI