exfileme Splendid Jan 6, 2008 9,531 0 30,780 Aug 11, 2014 #1 We check out OnLive on the WikiPad 7. OnLive and WikiPad 7 Were Meant For Each Other : Read more
DragonFireXY Reputable Jun 24, 2014 64 0 4,640 Aug 11, 2014 #2 I used to use onlive when I had a shitty laptop with Intel GMA graphics and it ran like a boss.
B Ben Van Deventer Reputable Jul 3, 2014 13 0 4,510 Aug 11, 2014 #3 ...Maybe banking on tech websites to blast their promotional offer all over the web and look like regular Good Guy Gregs is cheaper than traditional advertising tactics?
...Maybe banking on tech websites to blast their promotional offer all over the web and look like regular Good Guy Gregs is cheaper than traditional advertising tactics?
Nuckles_56 Admirable May 25, 2014 2,274 0 6,960 Aug 11, 2014 #4 "I tested OnLive on Time Warner's 25 Gbps connection and AT&T's 6 Gbps DSL connection" Damn that is some fast internet and it still can't manage 😀
"I tested OnLive on Time Warner's 25 Gbps connection and AT&T's 6 Gbps DSL connection" Damn that is some fast internet and it still can't manage 😀
T Tala Pantas Reputable Aug 11, 2014 1 0 4,510 Aug 11, 2014 #5 yeah, that sounds overkill to me i was like what? speed in Gbps and still can't? must have been some typo or something.
yeah, that sounds overkill to me i was like what? speed in Gbps and still can't? must have been some typo or something.
outlw6669 Splendid Dec 4, 2006 4,821 1 23,460 Aug 12, 2014 #6 I tested OnLive on Time Warner's 25 Gbps connection and AT&T's 6 Gbps DSL connection... Click to expand... 😵
I tested OnLive on Time Warner's 25 Gbps connection and AT&T's 6 Gbps DSL connection... Click to expand... 😵