You have purchased a pre-order of the Homefront Full PlayPass which includes a free Full PlayPass to Metro 2033. A Metro 2033 promo code will be delivered in an email shortly. You will also receive a free OnLive Game System promo code. A promo code for the free OnLive Game System will be delivered to you on the day Homefront is released on OnLive. Shipping, handling and tax are not included. Additional terms and conditions apply. For details, please visit:
i bought it and i recived Metro 2033 code instantly, am i using the service? No, i play on my consoles and PC, but i'll use it at work, just to kill the time.
I cen feel the lag, in racing games and in shooters, but i'm a freak when it comes to those things 😉 and i also think it is the future, not that distant future, we may not want it, but it will happen, sooner than later.