OnLive Console Free by Pre-Ordering Homefront

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Steam is running a deal that if you pre purchase homefront you get Metro 2033 free. Since streaming anything sucks I just went with the steam deal.
The fine print is telling:

"A limited number of OnLive subcribers..."

How limited? And you if you're not one of the lucky ones the rest of the fine print tells you that you have no recourse and are not entitled to a refund.

The proper term for this is "lottery."

So has anyone here tried this.
I don't think I could bring myself to do it myself.
But then I never thought I'd own a console either.

Anyway just curions if lag is as bad advertized.
You're just fighting the inevitable. Systems like OnLive are the future because they'll kill piracy, reduce production costs and provide ridiculously low buy-in for gamers. Sure right now the resolution is low and quality broadband is not available everywhere but this will change in the future.
In 1901 automobiles were a sorry sight but only incredibly stupid and shortsighted people failed to see the potential, just like the potential in streaming games.
Right... playing games by streaming videos in anything near HD... Maybe... In the next 100 or 200 years, that's if the big telecom companies stop monopolising internet lines, or if humans survive at all.. I guess.

Here's an example of what's happening in Canada.
[citation][nom]otacon72[/nom]Streaming will never be the norm because every ISP has hard bandwidth caps in place.[/citation]

Well while I tried OnLive in the US I live in Europe (the crappiest part of Europe) and I have 8mbps unmetered for like $20 a month. So sorry to learn that you guys have caps on how much you download, maybe you should do something about it. Download caps in 2011, really??
Steam will wait until Onlive become serious competition rather than a fad option for people who have more bandwidth than graphics power - then it will run a streaming system of it's own.

Then Steam account holders will still be able to do the same as Onlive but with the backing of all the studios and publishers and Onlive will crumble to dust.

Don't believe me? Watch this space.
It'll probably carve out its own niche, but I just don't see it taking over gaming on dedicated, personal systems. PCs are always getting more powerful and cheaper and anybody who is a gamer has one, not to mention a console or two. Why would I need another service to let me play my games when I already have the hardware to do it, plus I can play them whenever, where ever, and without an internet connection (excluding a few of those DRM-heavy games like Splinter Cell, etc).

For some very casual gamers who spend most of their money on a beefy internet connection, onlive might be a good way to go but for the rest of us (the large, large majority of us) its best just to stick to our own personal hardware that we can control.
[citation][nom]killerclick[/nom]You're just fighting the inevitable. Systems like OnLive are the future because they'll kill piracy and provide ridiculously low buy-in for games. Sure right now the resolution is low and quality broadband is not available everywhere but this will change in the future.In 1901 automobiles were a sorry sight but only incredebly stupid and short sighted people failed to see the potential, just like the potential in streaming games.[/citation]

Having a game locally would always be better quality than having to stream it, it will never fully replace the experience for dedicated gamers. OnLive is more for people who aren't dedicated enough to buy/build a real PC.

These prices aren't what I'd call low though, I shouldn't have to pay retail price for a digital copy. And the deceptive marketing is not going to win them fans. In large print it states factually that you buy the game and you get the system, with no asterisk to call attention to the fine print. It also states a "limited quantity" encouraging people to hurry and buy it without reading further. Once you read the fine print you find out you might be selected to get the system after the game comes out, preventing you from canceling it if you don't get the free system. Usually when a sweepstakes doesn't state the exact numbers of items that they're giving out, it means they aren't giving out many. Adding further insult is the fact that the offer ends on the 31st of March, giving you two weeks to redeem the offer before it expires.

Streaming gaming might take off someday, but OnLive seems to be just out to make a quick buck, so all they're doing is hurting the concept. They benefit more from giving away the free systems but i suppose it's more important to sell a 99 dollar console than to sell games at 50 dollars a piece.
[citation][nom]rhino13[/nom]So has anyone here tried this.I don't think I could bring myself to do it myself.But then I never thought I'd own a console either.Anyway just curions if lag is as bad advertized.[/citation]

There is a free trial. You can download and try OnLive for free if you create a free account. I find lot of lag in the game, kinda like input delay. Some people say they can't stand the lag, and there are some people who say they don't feel any lag. I say try it out for yourself.
You have purchased a pre-order of the Homefront Full PlayPass which includes a free Full PlayPass to Metro 2033. A Metro 2033 promo code will be delivered in an email shortly. You will also receive a free OnLive Game System promo code. A promo code for the free OnLive Game System will be delivered to you on the day Homefront is released on OnLive. Shipping, handling and tax are not included. Additional terms and conditions apply. For details, please visit:

i bought it and i recived Metro 2033 code instantly, am i using the service? No, i play on my consoles and PC, but i'll use it at work, just to kill the time.
I cen feel the lag, in racing games and in shooters, but i'm a freak when it comes to those things 😉 and i also think it is the future, not that distant future, we may not want it, but it will happen, sooner than later.
[citation][nom]kinggraves[/nom]Having a game locally would always be better quality than having to stream it, it will never fully replace the experience for dedicated gamers. [/citation]

Of course but the customers are so price sensitive that it won't matter. That's why they fly low cost airlines, that's why Wii almost outsold PS3 and XBOX360 combined.

And I'm puzzled by people who think internet connections won't advance along with the rest of technology. In places like South Korea internet connections are already so good that you probably wouldn't notice the difference between streamed games and those rendered locally.
I've tried Onlive and let me tell you, it sucks. I have a 15Mbps connection and there's times Onlive won't connect because my connection is too slow. As far as WiFi idk how someone could use wifi when a ethernet cable can't supply enough bandwidth to connect. Granted, I do understand that a person can have the fastest connection in the world, but if latency is high it will cause problems as well. Onlive is unbearable to watch, let alone play. The lag between input and output is something that must be fixed!
While this may be a nice deal, the OnLive gaming service is "meh" at best. I messed around with it right when it came out. The graphics are so-so to poor, lag is noticeable (although you kind of get used to it), and it uses a TON of bandwidth (so unless you have an 8-12 mbps connection, don't expect anyone else in your household to be able to use the internet while you play.) I really don't understand who they're trying to target this at. Anyone with a moderately up to date PC doesn't need this, and anyone with an old PC either owns a console for gaming already, or probably doesn't care about gaming enough to bother.
I really enjoy On-live. The games load really fast and the graphics are that bad. The support on some games for the Crapbox controller sucks though but it's not that bad.

I wish I could pay to get a Premium account that would give me maxed out setting for all games and get HD Resolutions.
The key phrase here is "limited amount of Onlive subscribers". So there is no guarantee that you will get a free console. Who knows, Onlive may only have 1 free console to give away!
[citation][nom]keczapifrytki[/nom]Free Metro 2033 on steam as well. The major difference is that on Steam you own the game forever, where as OnLive's Full PlayPass for Homefront and Metro 2033 will eventually be unavailable once the games will get old enough.[/citation]
Unless Steam were to fail within 4-5 years for some reason, then it would be around the same expectancy as OnLive.
You never know exactly what will happen, OnLive could succeed or fail just like Steam could continue or fail.
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