Question Open Shell


Sep 24, 2018
This happened some time ago like about last Oct 2020

Open Shell was working perfectly until an Update download from MS on Win10 a while back. I can get it to work by clicking on the icon opening it up then closing it but it will quit when my PC is shut down, so we start again when I power the PC up ,same drill I have version 4.4.152 in my downloads so should I just remove all the old Open Shell program so I would have a clean install of version 4.4.152 and will that fix it as I hate the Win10 start menu. Now will that or should it make Open Shell work properly.

Thank you all for any help


Sep 24, 2018
Tried it like you said but I got the same result I have gotten before see below. Now I have done this before and I get a couple of boxes with the wording like below. That’s not all but you get back but you get the idea of what it says.

Explorer using files. Some files that need to be updated are currently in use “Start Menu.exe” “Windows Explorer” You are then given the 2 choices below: 1. Close the application and attempt to restart them. 2. Do not close the application, A reboot will be required.


Sep 24, 2018
I have tried selecting 1 and 2 several times w/o any luck. I have tried to remove the program but must be missing something as it still does the same thing. Again I can get it to work each time I boot up by opening the icon in my “C” drive which open settings for open shell menu 4.4.152. But when I close the PC I have to open that every time to get the program to run. How do I get the old program out completely so I can load the newest updated program 4.4.167