[SOLVED] Orange light on motherboard ?

Orange light - solid or flashing?

Go to the ASUS website and find the applicable User Manual for your motherboard.


When you attempt to start the system are there any beeps?

= = = =

Try the following:

Power down, unplug, open the case.

Clean out dust and debris.

Verify by sight and feel that all connectors, cards, RAM, and jumpers are fully and firmly in place.

Inspect for signs of damage: bare conductor showing, kinked or pinched wires, melting, swollen components, discolored components, blackened or browned areas.

Hopefully just something loose.
Orange light - solid or flashing?

Go to the ASUS website and find the applicable User Manual for your motherboard.


When you attempt to start the system are there any beeps?

= = = =

Try the following:

Power down, unplug, open the case.

Clean out dust and debris.

Verify by sight and feel that all connectors, cards, RAM, and jumpers are fully and firmly in place.

Inspect for signs of damage: bare conductor showing, kinked or pinched wires, melting, swollen components, discolored components, blackened or browned areas.

Hopefully just something loose.