[citation][nom]DroKing[/nom]I agree with you jdog ^^ How can all this power can be sustained by current near worthless lithium batteries that can barely power those tiny smartphones.... laptops with full x86 cpu and gpus... forget it.[/citation]
phones suck in power because they try to be as thin as possible... those batteries are barely the size of a AAA battery (if you go by WxLxH, and not just looking at WxL), i give them credit for preforming as well as they do... laptop batteries aren't held to the same thinner is better, and when they are, they usualy have a docking station that adds a crap ton of functionality, and more battery life.
[citation][nom]dalethepcman[/nom]Ditch the 3D glasses and maybe my wallet will talk, until then ill stick to the Toshiba.http://gizmodo.com/5818162/the-qos [...] -3d-laptop[/citation]
unless you ever play a game in 3d, and i mean a real game made for 3d, not a tack on, you opinion on the 3d is moot. i have played a 3d game a while back with a full head mount display, and when i have the option, as in im not dicking around for hours with crappy drivers trying to get the display to work, to play a game in 3d, there is very little standing in my way.
[citation][nom]chicofehr[/nom]Who cares about 3D? Its just a coverup for the fact that the graphics aren't getting better because of those stupid ()%*(&)#(*$#$ consoles. I want better graphics!!!! I'll be impressed when we get real holographic projectors. Pseudo 3D is still 2D in the end and nothing else.[/citation]
i take it you never played uncharted 3 in 3d, or mario on the 3ds or zelda on the 3ds.
i also take it that you dont care that games currently cost over 50 million to make and if the graphics YOU want come along, it will jack the prices up even higher, and most likely make the games cost more... you know im perfectly fine with good enough graphics, look at la noire, the animations in that game play a bigger roll than the graphics. there is so much that can currently be done better and keep the same graphic level as we have now, but add so much to the believe ability of the game that better graphics dont matter. look at mafia 2, if that game wasnt a nvidia only for the physics that would be a shining example of why games dont need to look better to look better.
granted im probably talking to someone who wants a game to require a 3 1000$ gpu sli setup to even start up a game at 1280x720 only to play the game at 20fps, but its taxing on the gpu and looks pretty, because thats all that matters right?
[citation][nom]JOSHSKORN[/nom]Wonderful, a $3k laptop that supports this gimmick 3D that won't be around much longer.I bet it'll play Crysis, though, if the battery doesn't die by time the computer boots up.[/citation]
when you play a game made for 3d, you will realize its not a gimmick
[citation][nom]g-unit1111[/nom]I so agree with this that it's not even funny. The last 3-D movie I watched (Harold & Kumar Christmas) = the movie was decent - but the technology was an absolute joke in terms of the 3-D it actually used. It's a complete gimmick and I'd be surprised if game developers were taking advantage of this technology. I'm sure they think it's a joke.[/citation]
you went to a stoner comedy movie in 3d and expected avatar level of atmospheric 3d? im sorry but you comment is pointless just because of that.
harold and kumar in 3d showed you exactly what the 3d was going to be in the trailers and you went there and expected anything else?
3d in movies is either 1 of 3 things.
1) a 2d conversion, which can look nice, but over all craptacular
2) filmed in 3d, or had cg parts for the 3d, these are the more gimmicky movies which have their place, tell me a horror movie that is done well in 3d doesn't make the jump scares just that much scarier. woman agains a wall, knife comes through the wall and pops out at the audience. or in the harold and kumar, its MENT TO BE A JOKE FOR THE LULZ
3) complete atmospheric and imersive 3d, like in avatar, where its their, and it enhances the movie. best example i can give of that is avatar or hugo...
before you talk about 3d being a gimmick, watch a well made movie in 3d, or play a well made 3d game (uncharted 3) and than tell us if you like it or not, till than, just say nothing has stood out, you cant see it, or whatever else, but just stop calling it a gimmick just because you expect god to come out and shake your hand and are dissapointed
[citation][nom]airborne11b[/nom]A lot of people on this thread are complete morons, and have no idea what the point of these kind of laptops are.They are ment to be portal gaming PCs. You can go to a LAN party and in one small form factor you have a LCD Screen, your computer and a keyboard all able to fit into a small backpack.They are NOT ment to be run unplugged (though they can for about 45 minutes to 1 hour if web browsing or what not). But I like to think of the battery as more of a built in UPS, so that your PC doesn't reboot on a powe flicker in the middle of gaming at a LAN (Happens occassionally if there isn't enough power for the amount of PCs hooked up in a single area)I own a SAGAR and it's awesome for going to LANs on weekend without making a huge move with PC, monitor, keyboard, mouse, cables, etc. If you buy one of these instead of a PC, and have no plans to do LANs or gaming on the go, you're an idiot. If you buy one thinking it's some sort of Nintendo 3DS or PSP that you can game out in public without power plug; you sir, are an idiot.If you're always moving around (Job that has you living from one hotel to another on business trips, a deployed soldier, or an advid LAN partier) and you want real PC gaming on the go, and buy one of these, you sir are a winner.GG[/citation]
my parrents complain about the same things, and than they complain to me when they see a quoted "6 hours" of battery life in other products.