Original Xbox Just quit working.


Aug 12, 2016
So I had my original xbox in a different room to play it for a little bit when I was bored one day. No issues with it at all
I just never got around to bringing it back to the other room so it just sat there on the floor.
Today I just brought it back to the other room and hooked it up and decided to turn it on to make sure everything is alright. And tada, nothing happened. Almost like it is completely powerless.
I treated the thing like a baby so it was nothing I did, however when I plugged it into the power strip just before turning it on, i noticed a little spark (not sure if this little spark literally fried my xbox somehow)
And I had it unplugged for probably 2 weeks straight sitting on the floor so it did not get hit by any power surges or anything.

Any Ideas what happened and if there is a simple fix? It kinda kills me that my childhood console just quit working today.
That happened to me not along ago. It really stinks. I just think it had been used so much that it quit out on me. I had used it regularly for years and it was a few models old. A shame, really, but that might be your case here. How old is it?

sorry for the really late response,
I got it probably around 2004 (not exactly sure) my parents got it for me when I was really young