[SOLVED] OS (C:) full, Can I use DATA (D:) ?


Apr 27, 2020
Running windows 7 on my Asus laptop. I have run out of space on my OS (C:) drive and want to download a few more games. Cant seem to find which files are taking so much space. Ive cleared as much as I can without deleting the hand full of games I want to keep. I went into my computer and have noticed my DATA (D:) drive has 390GB free. Can I make that my default download location for files and still start games and files as usual or is there more to it? Also is there a way to find what files are taking up so much space? I tried the GIGANTIC search bu nothing was all that large.

I can help you move the steam games over, its not too hard. create a folder in the drive with space called "Steam Games 2" Go into steam, then in the upper right corner click steam>settings>downloads>steam library folders>add library folder, then select the folder you created earlier. Then, right click on the games in your library and go into properties>local files>move install folder. Then, select the new steam folder then click move folder. There is probably an easier way to do this, but this is how i've done it in the past. When downloading future steam games just select your new folder in the download menu. That's all I've got time for tonight, but if no one has helped you by tomorrow ill comeback to try to help with the rest.
I can help you move the steam games over, its not too hard. create a folder in the drive with space called "Steam Games 2" Go into steam, then in the upper right corner click steam>settings>downloads>steam library folders>add library folder, then select the folder you created earlier. Then, right click on the games in your library and go into properties>local files>move install folder. Then, select the new steam folder then click move folder. There is probably an easier way to do this, but this is how i've done it in the past. When downloading future steam games just select your new folder in the download menu. That's all I've got time for tonight, but if no one has helped you by tomorrow ill comeback to try to help with the rest.
Steam games location
In the steam client:
Steam Library Folders
Add library folder

To move an already installed game
Games library
Right click the game
Local Files
Move Install Folder