Question Over current has been detected on your USB device, system will shutdown after 15 seconds


Jun 16, 2018
Hi all,
As the title suggests my PC has this problem where it wont boot up and will shows the message "over current have been detected on your USB device, system will shutdown after 15 seconds to protect your mainboard". I had this problem like a week ago but it got fixed when i removed the sata cable ( i had already removed all the usb devices and on a whim i removed and put it back) and now this problem has surfaced again.

I've searched different forms and tried to look for answers but they all say to remove all usb devices, and try putting them in one by one to find the faulty device, however even after removing all the devices the error message is still being displayed. I even removed the USB 3.0 pin to see if that's the problem but to no avail, the problem still persists. However the only connection I can make is that those two times this has happened, I've used the front USB port to charge my Iphone

Any help will be much appreciated
Thanks a million
Does your motherboard have more than 1 front panel USB header?

Does your motherboard have more than 1 front panel USB header?

Hi, sorry of the late reply
To answer you question yes it does but i’ve disconnected the front panel USBs. However once I got it start up by removing my second hard drive and now it’s happened again.

Before the second time the problem came up, I did show a warning on my computer saying how too much power was being drawn out from one of the USB ports or something like that.

I’ve basically disconnected everything and checked the UBS ports in the back for any damage and they seem fine.

Thanks for the reply