Over heating (cpu'n'northbridge)


hello guys,

A friend of mine running such an old desktop DELL optiplex 270 with these specs:
CPU: pentium4 HT 3.0ghz
RAM:2x256mb's=512mb of ddr 400
MOBO: intel 865g (AGP)
HDD:80gb sata
PSU: dell 210w
GPU:none (mobo VGA).

so he told me everything was running fine for almost 2 years but yesterday at morning when he power up the pc, it started fine but when the windows XP loading screen appear at that time it went into blue screen not screen of death. I went to his house to see if i can solve his problem but unfortunately i got no success even i tried every possible trick, the following things which I have tried:
reseting CMOS,
unplugging HDD
removing of ram and cpu,
🙁 nothing work out, but later i found that northbridge and cpu were getting extemely HOTTT like a hell i'm pretty sure that cpu issue will be re-solve by applying new paste because the cpu ate all the paste, but i'm afraid what should i do with northbridge it is also getting very hot should i also apply the paste into the northbridge or what? I have no idea please helpp me guys! here is the image if NB.

thanks in ADV! :)

No, not 'dangerous'... but you won't get good heat transfer and the chip will overheat if you don't clean the surface of the old stuff first. If you don't have any Arctic Cleaner and Purifier available, and don't want to buy any, just use some isopropyl alcohol to clean the surfaces of the chip and heatsync. Isopropyl alcohol is inexpensive and available at any drug store in the US: http://www.walgreens.com/store/c/walgreens-isopropyl-alcohol-first-aid-antiseptic/ID=prod6056576-product
If you aren't in the US, I'm sure it's readily available anywhere.

Just do it carefully so as not to get it all over the...
Are you sure this happen only for cpu overheating? System will not even run for a while when cpu overheat. My old P4 got that issue. Just bought a new fan and problem solve. Still running fast with XP.

NB temp is not an issue. I think windows problem if boot is fine.

yes, it is overheat like a hell both cpu and northbridge, I also have tried to reinstalling the OS but it would not let the OS to install it give me error 7.
I'm sure the old thermal paste on both the CPU/cooler and the North bridge/heat sync has out-lived its usefulness. How much paste are you using for the CPU to use it all up? It only takes a small amount. What kind are you using? Here are the instructions for the various Arctic Silver products, for example: http://www.arcticsilver.com/instructions.htm

Be sure to remove all traces of the old stuff with either isopropyl alchohol or solvent designed for the task. Give the cleaner a few minutes to evaporate before applying the thermal paste. Btw, the NB HS does get extremely hot during normal use.

indeed the paste is old, it had been never changed since 2 years, i'm using arctic silver for mine build not for my friend and i know all the instructions of applying paste. BTW thanks for the quick input! what paste do you think is better. Is this the heating issue???

While it is possible that it is a heat-related issue, and you should for sure change the thermal paste, I would first try to eliminate possible software issues. Try running CCleaner to rid the system of resource wasting crap and registry errors. Do the Clean and Registry both: http://www.piriform.com/CCLEANER

I would also run Memtest on each stick of memory for a full pass to eliminate memory issues: http://www.memtest.org/

It's also possible the board is just old and components are beginning to fail. Capacitors are a likely culprit. Inspect the board for bulging or split caps. Capacitors have a finite lifetime, and if they are not high quality Japanese solid caps, they could be nearing their EOL.
thanks for the info, but how could i run CCleaner as the system went into bluescreen during windows loading screen. ok first i have to apply new paste if it doesn't help then what will be problem? also should i apply paste into NB or not?
If you can't get into Windows normally, you can try Safe Mode. CC should run just as well from SM.

If you know how to remove the heatsync from the NB, by all means do it too. But on older PCs like that one, I'm not sure what you'll find in the way of thermal paste. It may even have turned into cement by this time.
🙁 already try in safe mode it get stucked! well, i have removed the heatsink from NB there is a small chip under the heatsink in purpish colour. but there is a cloth lookalike attached to the NB heatsink. should i remove that and apply paste?? don't really know what the hell is that????

my friend is totally noob he knows only games.
thanks alot for the help.

hmm, how to check the cpu whether it is original or or not??

It doesn't matter. That's not the point I was making. I'm saying, if the system is from the P4 era, it is quite old and the thermal paste (if original) would be quite old as well. Any paste that is that old would need replacing to provide the best heat transfer.

It looks like an old thermal pad to me. If it were mine, I would remove it, thoroughly clean the two mating surfaces with Arctic Cleaner, (if you have some, use the Arctic Purifier afterwards), and use a tiny bit of thermal paste like you would for a CPU. You may even want to 'tin' both surfaces first for best results.

Hmm, ok i can remove that but, what happen if i don't use any arctic cleaner or purifier? Is it gonna to be dangerous?

No, not 'dangerous'... but you won't get good heat transfer and the chip will overheat if you don't clean the surface of the old stuff first. If you don't have any Arctic Cleaner and Purifier available, and don't want to buy any, just use some isopropyl alcohol to clean the surfaces of the chip and heatsync. Isopropyl alcohol is inexpensive and available at any drug store in the US: http://www.walgreens.com/store/c/walgreens-isopropyl-alcohol-first-aid-antiseptic/ID=prod6056576-product
If you aren't in the US, I'm sure it's readily available anywhere.

Just do it carefully so as not to get it all over the board. I use a clean coffee filter to clean with; no lint. Just put a drop or two on the chip* and gently wipe off any remnants of the old pad. Do the same for the heat sync. Let it air dry for a few minutes, and then apply the thermal paste of your choice. Remember if you use AS5, that it is electrically conductive. So you don't want to get any on the board.

* If the chip is too close to other components to drop the cleaner onto it, just wet the coffee filter with the cleaner instead.