Dear All, greetings.
Last year around this time I bought a second hand Lenovo Y50-70, or rather than used it was the shelf product which was "renewed" and put on sale again, maybe refurbished is the term.
The specs are as follows:
-i7-4720HQ 2.60 GHz
-16 GB of RAM
- Intel HD 4600 graphics
-GTX 960M 4 GB
-1.0TB Travelstar 5K1000 Hard Disk Drive
Now, the problems I have are:
1. Overheating. This was not a problem at the beginning, but after some poing it started to heat up even doing nothing: simple explorer tabs etc. I know some "heat" is normal for laptops, but I do not think this system should heat and start running fans on medium level while using Opera or Chrome. Even on idle it does this, there is always fan sound and head I can obviously feel. The weird thing is while running GTA V for example the heating is normal, at expected levels with sometimes slight drop of fps to cool down the system (which annoys me too but eh laptops)
2. Weird drop of FPS. This started to happen recently. When I turn the pc on, and for example watch some stuff, check out social media etc. and then run a game I get really low fps. If I run the game right after I log in, no problem.
3. HDMI output problem, signal is really weird. Most of the time you can see white dots all around on the screen but I do not think that is related to heating at all.
4. Generally, the pc itself got slower, I can feel it.
The solutions I tried:
1. I believe that this problem occured after I tried to reset Windows, and then I uploaded from 8 to 10. But I am not sure of course, just a thought. So I searched the internet and saw a post where a guy with the same laptop explained some "undervolting" things. I tried them, I did not feel a big difference. I am still using Throttle Stop, maybe these are why I can still run games who knows.
2. Services. I gave it to 2 different repairshops, one said that there was a blackout on one of the motherboard electric inputs or something and that one of my fans was faulty. The second one told me that there is only a problem with the HDD and nothing else.
3. I tried to change the thermal paste and had it changed several times, there isn't a dust problem either.
4. I tried antivirus and malware stuff, did not work.
So guys, this is the situation. No one knows why this pc heats up. Maybe you have been in the same situation before, maybe this weird fps drop happened to you too. I would be glad if you could advise me in any way.
Note: I know buying second hand stuff is not logical but I don't play games that often and I did not want to spend thousands of euros on something I would barely use.
Last year around this time I bought a second hand Lenovo Y50-70, or rather than used it was the shelf product which was "renewed" and put on sale again, maybe refurbished is the term.
The specs are as follows:
-i7-4720HQ 2.60 GHz
-16 GB of RAM
- Intel HD 4600 graphics
-GTX 960M 4 GB
-1.0TB Travelstar 5K1000 Hard Disk Drive
Now, the problems I have are:
1. Overheating. This was not a problem at the beginning, but after some poing it started to heat up even doing nothing: simple explorer tabs etc. I know some "heat" is normal for laptops, but I do not think this system should heat and start running fans on medium level while using Opera or Chrome. Even on idle it does this, there is always fan sound and head I can obviously feel. The weird thing is while running GTA V for example the heating is normal, at expected levels with sometimes slight drop of fps to cool down the system (which annoys me too but eh laptops)
2. Weird drop of FPS. This started to happen recently. When I turn the pc on, and for example watch some stuff, check out social media etc. and then run a game I get really low fps. If I run the game right after I log in, no problem.
3. HDMI output problem, signal is really weird. Most of the time you can see white dots all around on the screen but I do not think that is related to heating at all.
4. Generally, the pc itself got slower, I can feel it.
The solutions I tried:
1. I believe that this problem occured after I tried to reset Windows, and then I uploaded from 8 to 10. But I am not sure of course, just a thought. So I searched the internet and saw a post where a guy with the same laptop explained some "undervolting" things. I tried them, I did not feel a big difference. I am still using Throttle Stop, maybe these are why I can still run games who knows.
2. Services. I gave it to 2 different repairshops, one said that there was a blackout on one of the motherboard electric inputs or something and that one of my fans was faulty. The second one told me that there is only a problem with the HDD and nothing else.
3. I tried to change the thermal paste and had it changed several times, there isn't a dust problem either.
4. I tried antivirus and malware stuff, did not work.
So guys, this is the situation. No one knows why this pc heats up. Maybe you have been in the same situation before, maybe this weird fps drop happened to you too. I would be glad if you could advise me in any way.
Note: I know buying second hand stuff is not logical but I don't play games that often and I did not want to spend thousands of euros on something I would barely use.