over heating of cpu


Mar 2, 2014
my processor is inter core2duo 4300 1.8 ghz
and temperature of my cpu goes to 53 to 57 degree Celsius it it normal ?
my country is india
and also when fire up google chrome it shows much lags
help to get rid of it

If you're really that worried about temperature, you can underclock or simply buy a better cooler. The advantages of buying a new cooler is that if you buy a good enough one, you can overclock which will also help fix Google Chrome lagging. The only disadvantage of this option is that you will spend more money.

Have you cleaned out your CPU cooler lately? It might be clogged with dust. Also check your case fans(if you have any) as well. That temperature doesn't sound bad. Also with a 1.8GHz dual core Chrome will lag with quite a few things running. I have an old laptop with a 1.8GHz dual core 2GB RAM and it usually lags if I have more than 3 tabs running or more than 5 tabs open. It also depends on how much data you're loading. I'd suggest upgrading. If you don't want to upgrade, you should check for background processes to clear up data and check for registry errors.

Judging buy the specs of your CPU I'm guessing it's socket is LGA775. If it's not DO NOT BUY THESE.

Good Cheap Desktop Intel LGA775 Dual-Core CPU: http://pcpartpicker.com/part/intel-cpu-eu80570pj0806m
Good Cheap Desktop Intel LGA775 Quad-Core CPU: http://pcpartpicker.com/part/intel-cpu-hh80562ph0568m

If it's a laptop, you'll basically have to buy a new computer if you want a better CPU. I'd suggest getting a desktop.

So in short, it's probably the CPU cooler if it's a temperature issue. However, I think your Chrome is lagging because your components aren't good enough. You should have at least 2GB of RAM and a dual core running 2GHz or higher in my opinion.

Again, it's most likely the CPU. You could also upgrade the CPU cooler if you're worried about CPU temp(I forgot to mention this).

Again, I'm assuming your CPU/motherboard socket is LGA775
Suggested LGA775 CPU Cooler: https://pcpartpicker.com/part/cooler-master-cpu-cooler-rr212e20pkr2

This CPU cooler isn't only compatible with LGA775 so when you do buy a new PC(and are using parts) you can most likely still use this CPU cooler.

However, I'd just recommend buying a new desktop (not factory built).

If you're really that worried about temperature, you can underclock or simply buy a better cooler. The advantages of buying a new cooler is that if you buy a good enough one, you can overclock which will also help fix Google Chrome lagging. The only disadvantage of this option is that you will spend more money.
