Overall compatiblity, again..


Oct 26, 2014
Hey, so i have changed components because i couldn't buy from america but i now made a new pcpartpicker list where i listed all the ones that are available in my country, what i want to know is that is this build compatible, i know there is front usb 3.0 header in motherboard and not in case, but i don't even use usb 3.0 and also i want to know if my psu is enough for gtx 970 2 way sli and overclocking i7 4790k from 4.0 to like 4.5-4.7 ghz. Also if i decide to get a 3 way sli someday what kind of psu would i need for it. Thanks alot again.
Link: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/outlaw96/saved/H8gZxr
Y ask the place you're buying them from - if they build systems themselves, they will know.

You should still be able to get a very good overclock with that air cooler - but be aware you may want extra case fans. Get it all built first though - then you'll know.
PCpartpicker will flag incompatibilities - it is not doing so, so chances are you're fine. The exception to this would be if your cooler is too big for your case, or possibly if your RAM won't fit under the cooler, so those are the things to check up on by reading around online - but I think you will be fine with the parts you've picked.

Personally I would go for a closed loop liquid cooler for the sort of OC you're after, such as the Cosair H100i, which would also remove the potential problems of a large air cooler, but that's a different debate.

That PSU should be enough for the 2 way SLI and overclocking you suggest... though I might also say that a 4.7GHZ OC from a 4790K is ambitious (though not impossible). For three way SLI you will need a higher power PSU (900W? 1000W? Corsair AX series would be an excellent choice)
Well i don't think i will be using 3 way sli in the future just wanted to ask how much i would have to upgrade to get into that, but umm in finland the h100i is really pricey and costs much so i don't think i will be buying it, i'm okay with slight overclock. Anyway i'm not sure how i could get the confirmation that the ram and the case i have are compatible with the cpu cooler, which is noctua nh-d14. Hope someone can help to confirm that if it works, also i can send an email to the place where i'm going to buy it if these things are compatible.
Y ask the place you're buying them from - if they build systems themselves, they will know.

You should still be able to get a very good overclock with that air cooler - but be aware you may want extra case fans. Get it all built first though - then you'll know.