Overclock E2180 with GigaByte P35-DS3L, please help


Dec 7, 2007
Please help
My new PC configuration is:
GigaByte P35-DS3L Rev.2.0
DDR2 2GB RAM(800MHz)
Galaxy GTS8600
Intel E2180

Overclock with
FSB = 300, CPU = 10x 300= 3GHz, Memory speed = 750Mhz (2.5 x 300)
CPU voltage = 1.35V

Whenever I changed the BIOS setting, the computer will shut down and cannot be started until I disconnected the power cable, reconnect it and press the power button. If the computer can be started, the overclocked computer can run smoothly over 2 days with stressing program running. However, when I normally shut it down and it cannot be started until I disconnect the power cable and reconnect it. I have tried increasing different voltages and same problem appears. Does anybody know what is happening? I have changed the power supply and the motherboard with the dealer. The same problem happens.
Sorry for my double post.

If the voltage of CPU is not enough, it should crash the Windows XP or be unstable during the stress test. However, if I can success to boot it up, everything is fine. To boot it up, I have to try switch on and off the power supply and press the power button several times. It seems that the some startup voltage for certain component is not enough. There are several voltage can be alter in the mother board. I have set every voltage up but the problem still occurs. Is it related with the BIOS. I am now using F5 version.

You didnt mention you DDR Voltage. I was having a strange problem that my pc would freeze on a cold boot or even out of standby(Vista), after being completely shut down. When the computer was up and running though it ran like a champ, stable, cool, all that good stuff. What I did to fix it was raise my DDR voltage to +.1V making it 1.9V total. After that, no more cold boot problems. Also mem timings are 5-5-5-16. But this is just my patriot ram, yours can be very different. But try that out, try upping to 1.9V. Shut down, cold boot, see what happens, if it still happens try relaxing to Cas 5-5-5-15 or 16. I personally have the same exact mobo/cpu. I have my cpu @ 1.406V in the BIOS. I have multi @ x9 FSB @ 333 memory @ 800MHz (2.4 mem multi). So your still getting the same core speed 3Ghz, just now your BUS speed will be 333Mhz and your Rated FSB will be 1333Mhz. I personally think it works out 'cleaner' number wise to use the 333 x9 setup. I also have the RGB on turbo as well as the performance enchance on Extreme( Never really knew what they did, but I ran a bunch of doom3 timedemo's using all different settings and this is the setup that gave me the best). Also I tried this @ x10 but the damn thing would not boot unless I gave it over 1.5V @ the core, which I plan on keeping this thing so I didn't bother. But the 333x10 would be awsome considering your bus/ram/rated fsb would all be in spec to everything comfortably. It's just I think me chip was from a so-so batch. Plus the only demanding thing I do is game which all games I play are GPU dependent anyways. (plus from 3Ghz-3.33Ghz would prove not that much of a gain at the cost of dangerously increased votlages to the cpu, bridges, and what not. But this is in my case, yours can be better or worse.)

I only increase the DDR voltage by +0.1V and the mobo doesn't tell the total voltage for DDR. The multi for my E2180 is locked at x10. I don't know how you can set to x9. I set the FSB @300Mhz CPU @3GHz (300x10) and DDR @750Mhz (300x2.5) although my DDR is of 800MHz. Would you please tell how rated FSB of 1333Mhz come? I haven't tried setting the CPU voltage higher than 1.35v. After my overclocked setting, the temperature of my CPU is around 37C, how about yours?
I have the DS3L, and it really doesnt say DDR voltage clearly. Basicly it's default or 'Normal' DDR2Voltage would be 1.8V so if you go +0.1V you got 1.9V. Your E2180 is not locked, to change the Multi go to M.I.T. then go to the 2ed option down called CPU clock Ratio. Once in there set it to x9. Now set CPU Host Frequency to 333Mhz then set your Memory Frequency to 2.4 this will equal 800Mhz for you Ram. RATED FSB is from the fact that the FSB is QUAD pumped or x4. So if you boot into Windows and open up CPU-Z your RATED FSB will be 1333. Because 333x4=1333. Really rated FSB is not to much to think about unless of course you go outside of your mobo's range. But the DS3L is rated for a 1333Mhz FSB. As far as Temps go mine idles after playing a game for an hour and then doing some browsing on the web @ Core0 24C Core1 27C. Ambient now is about 20~22Cish. I primed it for about an hour and it really just stopped at 53C .But I have an aftermarket cooler, the CoolerMaster TX-2. I got it for just under $10 after rebate so it was worth it. Also if your wondering how to access your memory timings, while in the BIOS press CTRL+F1. Then go to M.I.T. you will then see the hidden memory timings.
Some memory is rated for 2.2 volts, ie: Crucial Ballistix. I would check the recommended voltage for your memory and adjust accordingly. You also didnt mention what power supply you're using.

I also have the problem of a hanging cold boot every once in a while. If it continues, ill adjust the memory and re-post.
hi i have the sam problem, i resolve it after i turn on just>
EIST (on)
CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E) (on)

My PC now shutdowns normal, and turn on normal, before i must plug out the PSU.

i hope i help you....

and the performans are the same