So like the headline said. I'm over clocking a fx-6300 on a gigbyte 970a-ds3p (rev 2) mobo with a cool master evo 212 cooler and 850w psu now my bios doesn't give me the standard 1.What have you cpu voltage instead it gives you a vcore of -/+ which at this point have set to .240 which equal 1.404-1.440 v according to cpu z and a multiplyer set so I get 4.5 ghz. Temp is fine but like I said core #3 and only that one shows utilization of 5-20% is this a problem or glitch. Because so far it's been stable and at 4.4ghz with .200=1.38ghz I didn't notice that should I roll it back to that? What could be causing that?