Overclock odd shut downs. no bsods though which is concerning...


May 4, 2009
hopefully I can get a little help with this one,

i have overclocked my computer fairly high, its just its not stable...

the thing is though i don't really get bsods when my pc crashes. they occur very rarely. very...

when it crashes and i expect to get a bsod, no blue screen. the computer will just hang in a black screen when transiting between applications, (eg, exiting out of a game and returning to desktop) or while in a aplication, mainly a game/video the comp freezes, has a retardation moment (sounds jump like a broken record and nothing responds) then resets by its self to the post screen.

all my bios settings are set to auto so they do everything by themselfs (eg, vcore, voltages, timings and crap,) so would expect its more than likely that causing problems, or its just something dosnt like something else, cpu fsb to high, gfx card dont like its o clock, blah blah blah..

any help would be good. thanks again to those who know me and are constantly helping out.

Well, then, you should dial it back until it is no longer unstable.
Overclocking since 1978 - TRS80 (Z-80) 1.77 MHz. to 2.01 MHz.

now a 4.35 and stable enough. would like help though if any on experienced the samething
Hey I think you should back it down some.. I have experienced the same thing with my pc.. 4.35 is mad oced how are you keeping it cool? What I would do is maybe going into your bios and do the overclocking manually build up fsb till it wont boot. Then bump the vcore a bit till it boots again. Work it slow till you find the edge.. Then back down till you are stable. I would run prime or something to make sure it's a stable oc .Hope this helps

thanks i will give it a try.

also i use a typhoone vx cpu cooler. idel is always 23/24 and load i have seen hit a max of apx 53. (all in degrees celcius)