Overclocked 4770k using H110


Mar 15, 2014

I have a overclocked 4770k to 4.5 @1.200 v, but i am getting idle temp of around 31-36 C ? does that sound right? Do i need to reseat it? what gives. Have stock fans......thinking that push-pull setup would help? thoughts? Anyone know of a good overclocking guide? like step by step?

Thanks a bunch
the problem is this that the fans are at 100%. Its like the chip never goes over 45c doing anything. under prime95, it got to 60C but never went above that......2 questions: does that mean a have a bad cpu?(thermal limit or something)? And Secondly, does that mean that the cooler is doing just fine? or what. Just trying to understand that certain symptoms tell me about my machine :)
i have a corsair 750d. i was thinking about putting in a 360 rad up top and a 280 upfront. Question: Will it really give me that much better temps? lot of money to spend to only get a few degrees out of it


Idea's are welcome!!! please....always will to learn!! :)